Where THE STORE! went....what packages are available

das13!dave dave at das13.UUCP
Sat Feb 10 10:49:15 AEST 1990

> 3. How about a source-of-the-month club where you post one piece of source
>    a month?  This will spread the load on the network over time.  Perhaps
>    we can run a survey on which programs we'd like to see and you post the
>    most popular ones first.

I think that is one of the best ideas yet about distributing THE STORE's

David Snyder                            UUNET:  dave at das13.UUCP (das13!dave)
                                          CIS:  74216,232

The ideal situation is to have real computing power close at hand - right at    home. Something that dims streetlights and shrinks the picture on the neighbors TV when you crank it up.

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