Want to sell loaded 3b1 (or trade for Amiga)

It's "Mr. Boyo" to you Dylan jet at flatline.UUCP
Sat Feb 10 19:53:17 AEST 1990

In article <20497 at ditka.UUCP> kls at ditka.UUCP (Karl Swartz) writes:
>In article <1990Feb9.005244.17180 at lavaca.uh.edu> jet at karazm.math.uh.edu (J. Eric Townsend) writes:
>>the EIA/RAM card I've seen go for $800-1000.
>Discovery Electronics currently sells a combo board with 0.5
>MB for $449 (new), and another $50 or so will buy you the RAM

Okedoke.  So knock $500 off the price...  I'm not completely fixed
in my prices, especially if the going list price is lower than what
my stuff was worth last time I checked...

"..just because [South Africans] won't adopt an idiotic 'one person
-- one vote' scheme of government... "  -- Pat Buchanan, Great American
J. Eric Townsend -- uunet!sugar!flatline!jet -- jet at flatline.lonestar.org
EastEnders mailing list -- eastender at flatline.lonestar.org

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