3b1's OBM hanging the line

Karl Swartz kls at ditka.UUCP
Fri Feb 9 22:26:19 AEST 1990

In article <1990Feb8.155753.3090 at chinet.chi.il.us> john at chinet.chi.il.us (John Mundt) writes:
>I have a 3b1 which suddenly gets tied up after I call *into* it from
>another machine.  When I log out with a ^D, the 3b1 does not disconnect
>but rather gives a "login" message.

What have you changed recently?  Any chance you've changed stty
settings in your .profile somewhere along the way, or something
you've recently installed is doing this?  Try 'stty -a'.  If it
says '-hupcl' instead of 'hupcl' that's probably why ^D doesn't
disconnect you.

>However, it never accepts a login, always saying "login incorrect."

That's rather strange ...

>Going to the machine shows no getty or login running on the phone
>port, even though /etc/inittab should respawn a getty.

A getty or login process on ph[01] shows up on terminal '?' for
some reason, though on one of the serial ports they show up on
'tty00[0-6]' just fine.

>Doing a "init q" will respawn the getty, but the modem still
>does not answer the phone ... phtoggle does not clear the problem


    setgetty ph1 0

wait a few seconds, then

    setgetty ph1 1

See if that has any more success than phtoggle.  Sometimes it
will get something unstuck.

Are you running the OBM on ph0?  The software doesn't always
seem to handle this correctly -- you're better off running it
on ph1 even if you leave ph0 unused.  (If you use UA you'll
have to tell it there's voice line on ph0 aka LINE 1 to keep
it happy.)

What version of the software?  Since you said getty and not
uugetty I assume you aren't running HDB.

>The hotline's suggestion is to reload UNIX.  Has anyone else had
>this problem and a solution for it?

Figures.  I've never gotten anything even resembling a helpful
answer from them.  "Six foot flames are shooting out the vents
on my monitor!"  "Have you tried reloading UNIX?"

Karl Swartz			 |UUCP	uunet!apple!zygot!ditka!kls
1-408/223-1308			 |INet	zygot!ditka!kls at apple.com
"I never let my schooling get in |BIX	kswartz
the way of my education."(Twain) |Snail	1738 Deer Creek Ct., San Jose CA 95148

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