UNIX-PC (3B1) For Sale (Repost)

thomas.j.czarnecki kayak at cbnewsj.ATT.COM
Sat Feb 10 02:34:28 AEST 1990

	For Sale:
			3B1 - UNIX PC
			MC68010 processor - 10 MHz
			2.5 mg memory
			MiniScribe 67 mg. Hard Disk - 28 msec access
			1200 baud internal modem
			360K floppy drive
			graphics monochrome monitor (720 x 348 res)
			keyboard with mouse
			serial & parallel ports

	***		Dos-73 co-processor card (math co-processor inst.)
        ***		2 port serial card 

			UNIX System V Rel II (3.51m)
			3.51 Development Set
			3.51 Document Prep Set
			HDB Uucp
			About 30 meg of public domain software including
			most software from the STORE.

			UNIX-PC Word Processor
			Microsoft Word
			Dbase III
			SuperComp 20 Spread Sheet

			chips (72 256K/150 nsec), sockets, and instructions
			to upgrade system to 4 meg total.

			Manuals, 2 extra monitors with case tops,
			extra keyboard with mouse (new), spare WD2010 hard disk
			controller chip (new),  extra power supply (new).

			System is 1 year old with original packing,
			performs flawlessly.

			Current prices from Discovery Electronics or
			Edison Communications for a comparable system
			are over $3,000.00 excluding software and other

			Terms: Shipping negotiable

			Price: $1450.00 Base Unit
			       $1795.00 Above + Dos-73 Coprocessor
			       $1995.00 Above + Serial Card

			       10% before shipping, balance COD


	Tom Czarnecki
	(201) 957-6543 (work)

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