3.5 FIXDISK (was Re: FIXDISK on base)

Robert L. Platt rlp at ceres.UUCP
Fri Feb 23 09:45:07 AEST 1990

In article <14227 at cbnews.ATT.COM>, vjg at cbnews.ATT.COM (vincent.j.guinto) writes:
> There was a 3.5 FIXDISK? I never heard of this before!
> I can't buy 3.51 for my 7300 (it's a work machine, and such
> budgetary "fluff" isn't allowed), so fixing 3.5 is appealing
> to me. I have two questions:
> 1. what does the 3.5 FIXDISK fix?
> 2. can I get it anywhere?

The 3.5 fix disk (which upgrades you to is available
from AT&T (assuming that you registered with them when you
got your UNIX-PC) - call 1-800-922-0354 (or 1-800-245-2480 in
Canada).  The fix disk is FREE.  I used to have a list of
fixes - but removed it when I upgraded to 3.51m.  3.51m is
also free, and available from either AT&T or by anonymous
uucp or anonymous FTP from Ohio State Univ.

Bob Platt

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