John Mcmillan jcm at mtune.ATT.COM
Tue Jan 9 09:45:53 AEST 1990

In article <1867 at neoucom.UUCP> wtm at neoucom.UUCP (Bill Mayhew) writes:
>I would also like to criticize AT&T's v2.1 uucp for the 3b1 in
>particular.  Uucico likes to cause kernel panics at odd intervals
>under non-repeatable circumstances.  It seems to be related to
>using both the tty ports and the OBM (on board modem) (and not
>necessarily simultaneously).  People that use either the tty or

A long note.  I got bored... hope I didn't miss anything interesting.

Prior to 3.51c, enough errors existed in the [CT] ports drivers that
it was possible to vector thru a jump table entry that was BEYOND
the valid entries.  The result was a trashed execution address.
[Ref: requirement that index reg' load be immed. followed by index access.]

The result was a kernel panic.

Sometimes this involved simultaneous access to both sides of a
communications chip:
	OBM & tty000
	tty001 & tty002
	tty003 & tty004 ...
Sometimes it involved obscure accesses involving the clock-driven
OBM tests and accesses to TTY000.  Nothing about this should be
focused upon UUCICO except that its throughput loads the ports
more and increases the probability of the aforementioned interactions.

john mcmillan -- att!mtune!jcm -- just muttering for self... not them

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