Bruce Becker bdb at becker.UUCP
Fri Jan 5 11:28:11 AEST 1990

In article <15338 at boulder.Colorado.EDU> skwu at boulder.Colorado.EDU (WU SHI-KUEI) writes:
|The problem was fixed in Release 3.1 of System V by adding the options \M
|and \m for opening the port with O_NDELAY and re-opening the port with
|CLOCAL off, respectively.  Works like a charm.

	Although undocumented, this was available
	in HDB UUCP for the UnixPC as well.

	Without it, DCD must be configured to be
	on all the time...

  \\\\	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ont.
w \66/	 Internet: bdb at becker.UUCP, bruce at gpu.utcs.toronto.edu
 `/v/-e	 BitNet:   BECKER at HUMBER.BITNET
_<  \_	 "We can't afford to igNoriega this" - George 'Thug-free' Bush

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