UNIX PC Booting ...

Howard E. Motteler motteler at umbc3.UMBC.EDU
Wed Jan 3 18:36:51 AEST 1990

In article <2665 at umbc3.UMBC.EDU> alex at umbc3.umbc.edu.UMBC.EDU (Alex S. Crain) writes:
>In article <29 at suntau.UUCP> forrie at suntau.UUCP (Forrie Aldrich) writes:
>>This may sound a bit foolish... so bear with me:
>>If you can 'boot' the unix-pc from a floppy... I wonder if there is some
>>way to use this machine with another type of opsys than unix... like to 
>>have something else on the floppy to load into the processor... do you know
>>what I mean?
	[ basic discussion of loaders ]
> 			You could write something else, but that falls under
>the topic of kernel programming (in a big way) which is beyond the scope of 
>this posting.

There is an interesting issue of Micro Corncopia (march/april
'89) where Karl Lunt does just this (and then some) but for a
Convergent miniframe, an earlier Convergent product with many
features in common with their S/50 (aka 7300 aka Unix-PC).

Anyway, Lunt picked up a 512 K miniframe (just the board) very
cheap on the surplus market.  To quote from the article:

	"But this card wanted to boot and run Unix--I wanted to
	rewrite the code in the EPROMS to do something more
	interesting. [!!] This meant figuring out where all the
	peripheral chips, EPROMS, and RAM resided in the CPU's 16 MB
	address space."

The story on how he did this makes a very interesting article.
He starts out with ZERO documentation.  He dissasembles the
EPROMS, and eventually wrote his own simple monitor, after
several stages of "test" EPROMS.  The end result was that he had
it running "SK DOS," which is a sort of MS DOS for 68000 based

At first I thought this was a pretty strange thing to want to
do, but given how slow unix runs on a 1/2 meg machine, maybe it's
not such a bad idea after all!

Howard E. Motteler       |  Dept. of Computer Science
motteler at umbc3.umbc.edu  |  UMBC, Catonsville, MD 21228

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