ccc, shcc, .. for gcc?

Karl Fox karl at MorningStar.Com
Sun Jan 14 12:33:50 AEST 1990

In article <4874 at> km at (Ken Mandelberg) writes:

   Has anyone done a front end for gcc to contend with shared
   library conflicts, in the way ccc or shcc do for cc?

I use a package by Andy Fyfe <andy at> posted to
unix-pc.sources last March.  It provides a gcc-ld front-end to /bin/ld
that is smart about the shared libraries, and exploits the "-shlib"
option of gcc.

It's the *right* way to do it, and I couldn't live without it.  Write me
if you can't get it from the author or from the osu-cis UNIX-PC archives.
Karl Fox, Morning Star Technologies               karl at MorningStar.Com

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