Bruce Becker bdb at becker.UUCP
Sun Jan 7 16:41:44 AEST 1990

In article <25668 at cup.portal.com> thad at cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) writes:
>	ACU    ph0    ph0 1200 PC7300 \T
>	ACU    tty000  -  9600 ark24k
>	Direct tty001  -  Any  direct
>	Direct tty002  -  Any  direct
>	Direct tty003  -  Any  direct
>	Direct tty004  -  Any  direct

	Should be:

		ACU    ph0    ph0 1200 PC7300 \T
		ACU    tty000,M  -  9600 ark24k
		Direct tty001,M  -  Any  direct
		Direct tty002,M  -  Any  direct
		Direct tty003,M  -  Any  direct
		Direct tty004,M  -  Any  direct

	in order for the "\M", "\m" stuff to work
	correctly - otherwise you will indeed have
	problems with DCD. This stuff was documented
	in the comment headers of the relevant files
	for System V release 3 BNU uucp, but I'm not
	sure where else I've seen it...

  \\\\	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ont.
w \66/	 Internet: bdb at becker.UUCP, bruce at gpu.utcs.toronto.edu
 `/v/-e	 BitNet:   BECKER at HUMBER.BITNET
_<  \_	 "Head-slam me, Jesus, on the turnbuckle of life" - Godzibo

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