Sean McCollister sean at pattye.lonestar.org
Fri Jan 5 12:13:16 AEST 1990

In article <25594 at cup.portal.com>, thad at cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) writes:
> Then I recently switched to HDB uucp and the BOZO ASSUMPTIONS made by that
> software is enough to put even Mother Theresa on a killing rampage.  Loads of
> UNDOCUMENTED options.  Just TRY and find what "\M" and "\m" mean in ANY
> published AT&T docs.......
[ other comments deleted ]

Well, Thad, I'm looking at page 5-51 of the "AT&T 3B2 Computer UNIX(R)
System V Release 3.2 Release Notes."  There are about 4 paragraphs
dedicated to "Basic Networking Utilities:  Intelligent Modems."  In
addition, there are quite detailed instructions on the use of the "\M" and
"\m" options, as well as the ",M" subfield for the tty devices, in my
/usr/lib/uucp/Dialers file.  "UNDOCUMENTED"?  Hardly.

Of course,  the 3B2 Basic Networking Utilities are a *supported* product.
HDB UUCP for the unix-pc/3b1 *is not*.  Unless the party line has changed,
you shouldn't even have a copy of 3B1 HDB if you don't work for AT&T.  How
can you find fault with AT&T for not providing documentation for something
they've said over and over again is not supported?  Sure, it was nice of
the folks at the DPTG to port it.  It was nice of the folks at the STORE to
make it available.  But it's a bit much, don't you think, to expect the
folks at the CIC to print docs, or the folks at the Hotline to provide
support, for something nobody has paid any money for?

When dealing with an unsupported product, you have to look for the
information you need in unusual places.  I got the impression from your
article that you didn't look very hard.
Sean					Internet:  sean at pattye.lonestar.org
McCollister				UUCP:  {texbell,attctc}!pattye!sean

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