Wrong file in the XMODEM posting -- need the real xmodem.l

Gregg Siegfried grs at alobar.ATT.COM
Wed Aug 3 01:09:45 AEST 1988

In article <444 at kosman.UUCP> kevin at kosman.UUCP (Kevin O'Gorman) writes:
>The recent posting of the xmodem thing for the unix pc has a serious
>flaw: somehow the contents of xmodem.1 (the man page) overwrote the
>contents of xmodem.l (the lex source) before the thing was wrapped.
>An attempt to make fails immediately on lex-ing this roff-stuff.

There isn't any lex source in the xmodem distribution.  The attempt
to lex the xmodem.l file is due to make's built in rule for
transforming files whose names end in .l.  Try renaming the xmodem.l
file xmodem.1 or xmodem.man or something, and everything should be

>For you fanatics, I am duly ashamed of myself for posting a nonsource
>to a sources group, but point out there's no sources.d here.

Ditto .. :-)

>Kevin O'Gorman ( kevin at kosman ) voice: 805-984-8042
>  Vital Computer Systems, 5115 Beachcomber, Oxnard, CA  93035

 Gregg Siegfried            | Nothing I say should be taken as AT&T
 AT&T - Cincinnati          | policy or opinion .. I just hack here.
 UUCP: grs at alobar.att.com   | Don't Rock - Wobble
 ARPA: grs%alobar.att.arpa  | 513-629-8314 (work) 513-561-0368 (antiwork)

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