request for troff

Steven A. Conrad sac at conrad.UUCP
Mon Dec 5 23:46:02 AEST 1988

In article <9533 at akguc.ATT.COM> dlp at akguc.ATT.COM (Dan Philen) writes:
>I understand that troff is available commercially for about $600
>in a package call "eroff", I think.  I forgot the name  of the company
>that sells it, but I sure someone on the net will supply it after reading
>this message.  If you have a good business application, then it is 
>probably worth looking into.  I understand it it a good package.

I have names and addresses of two suppliers of troff packages for
the Unix-pc.  The one I use personally is:

	Tplus(R), supplied by:
		Textware International
		P.O. Box 14, Harvard Sqare Station
		Cambridge, MA 02238
		(616) UNI-TEXT

The last quote I have for the Unix-pc is about $600, including the fonts.
Another package is:

	Eroff(R), supplied by:
		Elan Computer Group
		410 Cambridge Ave., Suite A
		Palo Alto, CA 94306
		(415) 322-2450

The last quote I have for the Unix-pc is $795.  I think fonts are extra.
I am not aware of any other companies supplying for the Unix-pc.  Forgive
me if I left anyone out
Steven A. Conrad,  Department of Medicine (Critical Care)
Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, LA
UUCP: sac at conrad.UUCP,   Internet: conrad at
"Silence  is the only  successful  substitute for brains"

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