Patch #2 to Mtools v1.5

egray at fthood.UUCP egray at fthood.UUCP
Fri Dec 2 03:04:00 AEST 1988

This is patch #2 to Mtools v1.5

This patch will remove the restrictions I had placed on directories that
ignored the directory name extension (if any).  For some reason, I thought
that MSDOS directories could not have file name extensions.

Much to my suprize, I tried to create a directory in MSDOS with a ".tst"
extension, and it worked!  Oh well, that shows you how much I use DOS.

WARNING:  The "init.c" file is one of the files to be patched.  I can't
know which version of "init.c" you're using (remember, there is a "generic"
version, and a AT&T Unix PC 7300/3b1 version in Unixpc.shar).  So, I'm
patching the init.c in the current directory and the init.c inside the
Unixpc.shar file.  At least one of the files will accept the patch.  Sorry
for the confusion.

Many thanks to Jim Sanchez (..!uunet!mcvax.bitnet!syteke!jim) for bringing
this to my attention.

Emmet P. Gray				US Army, HQ III Corps & Fort Hood
...!uunet!uiucuxc!fthood!egray		Attn: AFZF-DE-ENV
					Directorate of Engineering & Housing
					Environmental Management Office
					Fort Hood, TX 76544-5057

*** old/Unixpc.shar	Tue Nov  1 12:12:00 1988
--- Unixpc.shar	Thu Dec  1 10:26:32 1988
*** 120,124
! echo shar: "extracting 'init.c'" '(5150 characters)'
  if test -f 'init.c'

--- 120,124 -----
! echo shar: "extracting 'init.c'" '(6142 characters)'
  if test -f 'init.c'
*** 136,139
  X#include <sys/gdioctl.h>
  X#include <ctype.h>
  X#include "msdos.h"

--- 136,140 -----
  X#include <sys/gdioctl.h>
  X#include <ctype.h>
+ X#include <signal.h>
  X#include "msdos.h"
*** 138,141
  X#include "msdos.h"
  Xextern int fd, dir_len, dir_start, clus_size, fat_len, num_clus;
  Xextern unsigned char *fatbuf;

--- 139,144 -----
  X#include "msdos.h"
+ X#undef DUP_FAT
+ X
  Xextern int fd, dir_len, dir_start, clus_size, fat_len, num_clus;
  Xextern unsigned char *fatbuf;
*** 146,150
  Xint mode;
! X	int code, buflen;
  X	unsigned char read_fat(), fat;
  X	char *getenv(), *fixmcwd(), *malloc();

--- 149,153 -----
  Xint mode;
! X	int code, buflen, intr();
  X	unsigned char read_fat(), fat;
  X	char *getenv(), *fixmcwd(), *malloc();
*** 250,253
  X		exit(1);
  X	}
  X	return(0);

--- 253,262 -----
  X		exit(1);
  X	}
+ X					/* catch signals if open for write */
+ X	if (mode == 2) {
+ X		signal(SIGINT, intr);
+ X		signal(SIGTERM, intr);
+ X		signal(SIGQUIT, intr);
+ X	}
  X	return(0);
*** 309,313
  X	if (dirname == NULL)
! X		return("");
  X	ans = malloc((unsigned int) strlen(dirname)+2);

--- 318,322 -----
  X	if (dirname == NULL)
! X		return("/");
  X	ans = malloc((unsigned int) strlen(dirname)+2);
*** 356,359
  X	return(buf[0]);
  if test 5150 -ne "`wc -c < 'init.c'`"

--- 365,412 -----
  X	return(buf[0]);
+ X
+ X/*
+ X * Do a graceful exit if the program is interupted.  This will reduce
+ X * (but not eliminate) the risk of generating a corrupted disk on
+ X * a user abort.
+ X */
+ X
+ Xint
+ Xintr()
+ X{
+ X	void writefat();
+ X
+ X	writefat();
+ X	close(fd);
+ X	exit(1);
+ X}
+ X
+ X/*
+ X * Write the FAT table to the disk.  Up to now the FAT manipulation has
+ X * been done in memory.  All errors are fatal.  (Might not be too smart
+ X * to wait till the end of the program to write the table.  Oh well...)
+ X */
+ X
+ Xvoid
+ Xwritefat()
+ X{
+ X	int buflen;
+ X	void move();
+ X
+ X	move(1);
+ X	buflen = fat_len * MSECSIZ;
+ X	if (write(fd, (char *) fatbuf, buflen) != buflen) {
+ X		perror("writefat: write");
+ X		exit(1);
+ X	}
+ X#ifdef DUP_FAT
+ X					/* the duplicate FAT table */
+ X	if (write(fd, (char *) fatbuf, buflen) != buflen) {
+ X		perror("writefat: write");
+ X		exit(1);
+ X	}
+ X#endif DUP_FAT
+ X	return;
+ X}
  if test 6142 -ne "`wc -c < 'init.c'`"
*** 357,361
! if test 5150 -ne "`wc -c < 'init.c'`"
  	echo shar: "error transmitting 'init.c'" '(should have been 5150 characters)'

--- 410,414 -----
! if test 6142 -ne "`wc -c < 'init.c'`"
  	echo shar: "error transmitting 'init.c'" '(should have been 6142 characters)'
*** 359,363
  if test 5150 -ne "`wc -c < 'init.c'`"
! 	echo shar: "error transmitting 'init.c'" '(should have been 5150 characters)'

--- 412,416 -----
  if test 6142 -ne "`wc -c < 'init.c'`"
! 	echo shar: "error transmitting 'init.c'" '(should have been 6142 characters)'
*** old/init.c	Tue Nov  1 12:10:27 1988
--- init.c	Thu Dec  1 10:28:38 1988
*** 8,11
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <ctype.h>
  #include "msdos.h"

--- 8,12 -----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
  #include "msdos.h"
*** 10,13
  #include "msdos.h"
  extern int fd, dir_len, dir_start, clus_size, fat_len, num_clus;
  extern unsigned char *fatbuf;

--- 11,16 -----
  #include "msdos.h"
+ #undef DUP_FAT
  extern int fd, dir_len, dir_start, clus_size, fat_len, num_clus;
  extern unsigned char *fatbuf;
*** 18,22
  int mode;
! 	int code, buflen;
  	unsigned char read_fat(), fat;
  	char *getenv(), *fixmcwd(), *malloc(), version, get_dos_ver();

--- 21,25 -----
  int mode;
! 	int code, buflen, intr();
  	unsigned char read_fat(), fat;
  	char *getenv(), *fixmcwd(), *malloc(), version, get_dos_ver();
*** 170,173

--- 173,182 -----
+ 					/* catch signals if open for write */
+ 	if (mode == 2) {
+ 		signal(SIGINT, intr);
+ 		signal(SIGTERM, intr);
+ 		signal(SIGQUIT, intr);
+ 	}
*** 214,218
  	if (dirname == NULL)
! 		dirname = "";
  	ans = malloc((unsigned int) strlen(dirname)+2);

--- 223,227 -----
  	if (dirname == NULL)
! 		return("/");
  	ans = malloc((unsigned int) strlen(dirname)+2);
*** 280,282

--- 289,335 -----
+ }
+ /*
+  * Do a graceful exit if the program is interupted.  This will reduce
+  * (but not eliminate) the risk of generating a corrupted disk on
+  * a user abort.
+  */
+ int
+ intr()
+ {
+ 	void writefat();
+ 	writefat();
+ 	close(fd);
+ 	exit(1);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Write the FAT table to the disk.  Up to now the FAT manipulation has
+  * been done in memory.  All errors are fatal.  (Might not be too smart
+  * to wait till the end of the program to write the table.  Oh well...)
+  */
+ void
+ writefat()
+ {
+ 	int buflen;
+ 	void move();
+ 	move(1);
+ 	buflen = fat_len * MSECSIZ;
+ 	if (write(fd, (char *) fatbuf, buflen) != buflen) {
+ 		perror("writefat: write");
+ 		exit(1);
+ 	}
+ #ifdef DUP_FAT
+ 					/* the duplicate FAT table */
+ 	if (write(fd, (char *) fatbuf, buflen) != buflen) {
+ 		perror("writefat: write");
+ 		exit(1);
+ 	}
+ #endif DUP_FAT
+ 	return;
*** old/mdir.c	Thu Dec  1 10:29:35 1988
--- mdir.c	Wed Nov 30 15:37:11 1988
*** 164,168
  			if (dir->attr & 0x10) {
  				if (wide)
! 					printf("%-15.15s", name);
  					printf("%8s     <DIR>      %s  %s\n", name, date, time);

--- 164,168 -----
  			if (dir->attr & 0x10) {
  				if (wide)
! 					printf("%-9.9s%-6.6s", name, ext);
  					printf("%8s %3s  <DIR>     %s  %s\n", name, ext, date, time);
*** 166,170
  					printf("%-15.15s", name);
! 					printf("%8s     <DIR>      %s  %s\n", name, date, time);

--- 166,170 -----
  					printf("%-9.9s%-6.6s", name, ext);
! 					printf("%8s %3s  <DIR>     %s  %s\n", name, ext, date, time);
*** old/mmd.c	Sun Oct  9 13:18:28 1988
--- mmd.c	Wed Nov 30 15:06:44 1988
*** 61,68
  	pathname = getpath(argv[fargn]);
- 	if (strcmp(text, "   ")) {
- 		fprintf(stderr, "mmd: Directory names cannot have extensions\n");
- 		exit(1);
- 	}
  	if (subdir(pathname))

--- 61,64 -----
  	pathname = getpath(argv[fargn]);
  	if (subdir(pathname))
*** old/mread.c	Sun Oct  9 13:19:25 1988
--- mread.c	Wed Nov 30 15:30:28 1988
*** 159,162
  	void exit(), getcluster();
  	FILE *fp;
  #ifdef LOWERCASE

--- 159,163 -----
  	void exit(), getcluster();
  	FILE *fp;
+ 	struct stat stbuf;
  #ifdef LOWERCASE
*** 180,183
  				if (ans[0] == 'y' || ans[0] == 'Y')

--- 181,191 -----
  				if (ans[0] == 'y' || ans[0] == 'Y')
+ 			}
+ 					/* sanity checking */
+ 			if (!stat(target, &stbuf)) {
+ 				if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG) != S_IFREG) {
+ 					fprintf(stderr, "mread: \"%s\" is not a regular file\n", target);
+ 					return;
+ 				}
*** old/mren.c	Sun Oct  9 13:20:02 1988
--- mren.c	Wed Nov 30 15:17:05 1988
*** 57,65
  	temp = getname(argv[fargn+1]);
  	target = fixname(argv[fargn+1], verbose);
! 	if (isdir(filename) && strcmp(target+8, "   ")) {
! 		strcpy(target+8, "   ");
! 		if (verbose)
! 			fprintf(stderr, "mren: Directory names may not have extentions\n");
! 	}
  	strncpy(tname, target, 8);
  	strncpy(text, target+8, 3);

--- 57,61 -----
  	temp = getname(argv[fargn+1]);
  	target = fixname(argv[fargn+1], verbose);
  	strncpy(tname, target, 8);
  	strncpy(text, target+8, 3);
*** old/mwrite.c	Mon Oct 17 18:11:05 1988
--- mwrite.c	Thu Dec  1 11:02:12 1988
*** 210,213
  			slot = entry;
  					/* write the file */
  		if (dir = writeit(fixed, argv[i])) {

--- 210,215 -----
  			slot = entry;
+ 		if (!single)
+ 			printf("Copying %s\n", target);
  					/* write the file */
  		if (dir = writeit(fixed, argv[i], verbose))
*** 211,215
  					/* write the file */
! 		if (dir = writeit(fixed, argv[i])) {
  			writedir(slot, dir);
  			if (!single)

--- 213,217 -----
  			printf("Copying %s\n", target);
  					/* write the file */
! 		if (dir = writeit(fixed, argv[i], verbose))
  			writedir(slot, dir);
*** 213,219
  		if (dir = writeit(fixed, argv[i])) {
  			writedir(slot, dir);
! 			if (!single)
! 				printf("Copying %s\n", target);
! 		}

--- 215,219 -----
  		if (dir = writeit(fixed, argv[i], verbose))
  			writedir(slot, dir);
*** 238,244
  struct directory *
! writeit(fixed, path)
! char *fixed;
! char *path;
  	FILE *fp;

--- 238,244 -----
  struct directory *
! writeit(fixed, path, verbose)
! char *fixed, *path;
! int verbose;
  	FILE *fp;
*** 253,256
  	if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG) != S_IFREG) {
  		fprintf(stderr, "mwrite: \"%s\" is not a regular file\n", path);

--- 253,262 -----
+ 	if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
+ 		if (verbose)
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "mwrite: \"%s\" is a directory\n", path);
+ 		return(NULL);
+ 	}
  	if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG) != S_IFREG) {
  		fprintf(stderr, "mwrite: \"%s\" is not a regular file\n", path);
*** 366,368

--- 372,375 -----
*** old/putfat.c	Wed Sep 28 13:21:14 1988
--- putfat.c	Thu Dec  1 09:48:04 1988
*** 1,4
!  * putfat(), writedir(), zapit(), writefat()

--- 1,4 -----
!  * putfat(), writedir(), zapit()
*** 5,9
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include "msdos.h"
- #undef DUP_FAT
  extern int fd, fat_len, dir_chain[25];

--- 5,8 -----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include "msdos.h"
  extern int fd, fat_len, dir_chain[25];
*** 109,140
  		fat = next;
- 	return;
- }
- /*
-  * Write the FAT table to the disk.  Up to now the FAT manipulation has
-  * been done in memory.  All errors are fatal.  (Might not be too smart
-  * to wait till the end of the program to write the table.  Oh well...)
-  */
- void
- writefat()
- {
- 	int buflen;
- 	void move();
- 	move(1);
- 	buflen = fat_len * MSECSIZ;
- 	if (write(fd, (char *) fatbuf, buflen) != buflen) {
- 		perror("writefat: write");
- 		exit(1);
- 	}
- #ifdef DUP_FAT
- 					/* the duplicate FAT table */
- 	if (write(fd, (char *) fatbuf, buflen) != buflen) {
- 		perror("writefat: write");
- 		exit(1);
- 	}
- #endif DUP_FAT

--- 108,111 -----
  		fat = next;

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