Emacs terminal initialization for UNIX-pc
Steven A. Conrad
sac at conrad.UUCP
Sat Sep 10 07:41:18 AEST 1988
Enclosed is a copy of a terminal-specific Emacs initialization file
for the UNIX-pc. The UNIX-pc has a number of function keys (about 75
or so key sequences!) which can be bound to perform most of the common
Emacs functions with single key (or shifted key) sequences.
----------- CUT HERE -----------
;;; unixpc.el: AT&T Unix PC keyboard definitions
;;; Brant Cheikes
;;; University of Pennsylvania
;;; Department of Computer and Information Science
;;; Internet: brant at manta.pha.pa.us, UUCP: {bpa,drexel}!manta!brant
;;; 29 August 1987
;;; Modified by Steven A. Conrad (sac at conrad.UUCP)
;;; 24 April 1988
;;; Works on GNU Emacs 18.50 on conrad
;;; The AT&T Unix PC (aka PC7300, 3B1) has a bizarre keyboard with
;;; lots of interestingly labeled function keys. This file tries to
;;; assign useful actions to the function keys. Note that the Shift
;;; and Ctrl keys have the same effect on function keys, so Shift-F1
;;; is the same as Ctrl-F1.
(require 'keypad)
;;; There seem to be three prefixes for AT&T UnixPC function keys:
;;; "<esc>O", "<esc>N", and "<esc>[". There seem to be a couple
;;; keys that just generate "<esc><digit>".
;;; Note: for each mapping, I indicate the key on the Unix PC followed
;;; by the Emacs command it is bound to (if any).
(defvar UNIXPC-map-1 nil
"The bulk of the function keys on the AT&T Unix PC.")
(defvar UNIXPC-map-2 nil
"A few other random function keys on the AT&T Unix PC.")
(defvar UNIXPC-map-3 nil
"Some really random function keys on the AT&T Unix PC.")
;;; Use built-in mappings first (as defined in keypad.el)
;;; Lines commented out are mapped later.
(if (not UNIXPC-map-3)
(setq UNIXPC-map-3 (lookup-key global-map "\e["))
(if (not (keymapp UNIXPC-map-3))
(setq UNIXPC-map-3 (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; <ESC>[ commands
(setup-terminal-keymap UNIXPC-map-3
'(("A" . ?u) ; Up Arrow (previous-line)
("B" . ?d) ; Down Arrow (next-line)
("C" . ?r) ; Right Arrow (forward-char)
("D" . ?l) ; Left Arrow (backward-char)
("H" . ?h) ; Home (move-to-window-line)
;;; ("J" . ??) ; Clear (delete-other-windows)
("S" . ?9) ; Shift-DownArrow (forward-paragraph)
("T" . ?7) ; Shift-UpArrow (backward-paragraph)
("U" . ?N) ; Page (scroll-up)
("V" . ?P) ; Shift-Page (scroll-down)
;;; Personalized mappings.
(define-key UNIXPC-map-3 "J" 'delete-other-windows)
(defun enable-arrow-keys ()
"Enable the use of the Unix PC arrow keys. This breaks the <esc>[
command, so it is not done by default; you must explicitly call this
(global-set-key "\e[" UNIXPC-map-3))
(if (not UNIXPC-map-1)
(setq UNIXPC-map-1 (lookup-key global-map "\eN"))
(if (not (keymapp UNIXPC-map-1))
(setq UNIXPC-map-1 (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; <ESC>N commands
(setup-terminal-keymap UNIXPC-map-1
'(("a" . ?C) ; Rfrsh (recenter)
;;; ("B" . ??) ; Shift-Beg (beginning-of-buffer)
("c" . ?0) ; Move (yank)
;;; ("C" . ??) ; Shift-Move (insert-register)
;;; ("d" . ??) ; Copy (copy-region-as-kill)
;;; ("D" . ??) ; Shift-Copy (copy-to-register)
("e" . ?k) ; Dlete (kill-region)
;;; ("E" . ??) ; Shift-Dlete (append-to-buffer)
("f" . ?.) ; Dlete Char (delete-char)
;;; ("F" . ??) ; Shift-Dlete Char (kill-word)
("g" . ?1) ; Prev (backward-word)
;;; ("G" . ??) ; Shift-Prev (backward-sentence)
("h" . ?3) ; Next (forward-word)
;;; ("H" . ??) ; Shift-Next (forward-sentence)
("i" . ?s) ; Mark (set-mark-command)
;;; ("I" . ??) ; Slect (other-window)
;;; ("j" . ??) ; Input Mode (universal-argument)
;;; ("J" . ??) ; Shift-Input Mode (add-global-abbrev)
;;; ("K" . ??) ; Shift-LeftArrow (backward-sexp)
;;; ("L" . ??) ; Shift-RightArrow (forward-sexp)
("M" . ?h) ; Shift-Home (move-to-window-line)
;;; ("N" . ??) ; Shift-End (end-of-buffer)
(define-key global-map "\eN" UNIXPC-map-1)))
;;; More personal mappings.
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "B" 'beginning-of-buffer)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "C" 'insert-register)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "d" 'copy-region-as-kill)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "D" 'copy-to-register)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "E" 'append-to-buffer)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "F" 'kill-word)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "G" 'backward-sentence)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "H" 'forward-sentence)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "I" 'other-window)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "j" 'universal-argument)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "J" 'add-global-abbrev)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "K" 'backward-sexp)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "L" 'forward-sexp)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-1 "N" 'end-of-buffer)
(if (not UNIXPC-map-2)
(setq UNIXPC-map-2 (lookup-key global-map "\eO"))
(if (not (keymapp UNIXPC-map-2))
(setq UNIXPC-map-2 (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; <ESC>O commands
(setup-terminal-keymap UNIXPC-map-2
;;; ("a" . ??) ; Clear Line (kill-line)
;;; ("A" . ??) ; Shift-Clear Line (kill-sentence)
;;; ("b" . ??) ; Ref (spell-word)
;;; ("B" . ??) ; Rstrt (spell-region)
;;; ("c" . ??) ; F1 (start-kbd-macro)
;;; ("d" . ??) ; F2 (end-kbd-macro)
;;; ("e" . ??) ; F3 (call-last-kbd-macro)
;;; ("f" . ??) ; F4 (top-level)
;;; ("g" . ??) ; F5 (kill-compilation)
;;; ("h" . ??) ; F6 (add-mode-abbrev)
;;; ("i" . ??) ; F7 (inverse-add-mode-abbrev)
;;; ("j" . ??) ; F8 (abbrev-mode)
;;; ("k" . ??) ; Exit (suspend-emacs)
;;; ("K" . ??) ; Shift-Exit (save-buffers-kill-emacs)
("m" . ??) ; Help (help-command)
;;; ("M" . ??) ; Shift-Help (what-line)
;;; ("n" . ??) ; Creat (split-window-vertically)
;;; ("N" . ??) ; Shift-Creat (split-window-horizontally)
;;; ("o" . ??) ; Save (save-buffer)
;;; ("O" . ??) ; Shift-Save (write-file)
;;; ("r" . ??) ; Opts (buffer-menu)
;;; ("R" . ??) ; Shift-Opts (dired)
;;; ("s" . ??) ; Undo (advertised-undo)
;;; ("S" . ??) ; Shift-Undo (advertised-undo)
;;; ("t" . ??) ; Redo (fill-paragraph)
;;; ("T" . ??) ; Shift-Redo (fill-region)
;;; ("u" . ??) ; Cmd (execute-extended-command)
;;; ("U" . ??) ; Shift-Cmd (compile)
;;; ("v" . ??) ; Open (find-file)
;;; ("V" . ??) ; Close (kill-buffer)
;;; ("w" . ??) ; Cancl (keyboard-quit)
;;; ("W" . ??) ; Shift-Cancl (delete-window)
;;; ("x" . ??) ; Find (isearch-forward)
("X" . ?f) ; Shift-Find (isearch-forward-regexp)
; ("y" . ??) ; Rplac (query-replace-regexp)
; ("Y" . ??) ; Shift-Rplac (regexp-replace)
; ("z" . ??) ; Print (print-buffer)
(define-key global-map "\eO" UNIXPC-map-2)))
;;; Last batch of personalized mappings.
;;; The "Begin" and "End" keys generate odd sequences, so they get
;;; treated specially.
(define-key esc-map "9" 'beginning-of-line) ; Begin
(define-key esc-map "0" 'end-of-line) ; End
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "a" 'kill-line)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "A" 'kill-sentence)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "b" 'spell-word)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "B" 'spell-region)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "c" 'start-kbd-macro)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "d" 'end-kbd-macro)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "e" 'call-last-kbd-macro)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "f" 'top-level)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "g" 'kill-compilation)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "h" 'add-mode-abbrev)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "i" 'inverse-add-mode-abbrev)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "j" 'abbrev-mode)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "k" 'suspend-emacs)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "K" 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "M" 'what-line)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "n" 'split-window-vertically)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "N" 'split-window-horizontally)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "o" 'save-buffer)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "O" 'write-file)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "r" 'buffer-menu)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "R" 'dired)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "s" 'advertised-undo)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "S" 'advertised-undo)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "t" 'fill-paragraph)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "T" 'fill-region)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "u" 'execute-extended-command)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "U" 'compile)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "v" 'find-file)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "V" 'kill-buffer)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "w" 'keyboard-quit)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "W" 'delete-window)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "x" 'isearch-forward)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "y" 'query-replace-regexp)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "Y" 'replace-regexp)
(define-key UNIXPC-map-2 "z" 'print-buffer)
--------- END CUT --------------
Steven A. Conrad, Department of Medicine (Critical Care)
Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, LA
UUCP: sac at conrad.UUCP, Internet: conrad at manta.pha.pa.us
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