
Kevin O'Gorman kevin at kosman.UUCP
Sat Feb 11 11:43:05 AEST 1989

In article <149 at lazlo.UUCP> ccs at lazlo.UUCP (Clifford C. Skolnick) writes:
>I'm trying to get the latest pcomm running smoothly on my system.  All seems
>to be going well, except for the dialing directory.  It seems when I call up
>the directory, garbage appears to the left of the newly created boxed
>window.  Does anyone else have this problem?  A quick look at the code did
>not provide any insight.  BTW I'm running 3.51, but did not install terminfo,
>and I did set the thing to compile with OLDCURSES defined.

No such trouble here, unless you count the fact that the window starts
in column two, so the stuff underneath shows through in column 1.

I'm running terminfo, though.

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