fdread/fdwrite program for accessing "foreign" floppies on Unix PC

Captain Neptune mark at cogent.UUCP
Wed Jan 11 16:20:55 AEST 1989

In article <5652 at cbmvax.UUCP> ford at kenobi.commodore.com (Mike "Ford" Ditto) writes:
>This is the source to my "fdread" and "fdwrite" commands (actually the
>same program) which allow access to floppies of various formats and
>without a partition table.  I have used it to transfer tar archives on
>floppy between Unix PCs, Xenix PClones, and Regulus systems.

Sounds good to me, but tell me this?  What can these programs do that
could not be achieved via the "dd" command?  This is not a criticism,
just a question.
Mark Steven Jeghers                               "No reward for resistance,
Cogent Software Solutions                          no assistance,
...pacbell!cogent!mark                             no applause..."
...uunet!lll-winken!cogent!mark                                   Neil Peart

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