System V patches for "BSD indent(1)

Gary S. Trujillo gst at gnosys.UUCP
Sat Mar 25 05:37:58 AEST 1989

In the spirit of trying to start paying back for all the good stuff
I have received from the net, here are some patches for the recently-
posted "indent" program, whose header is as follows:

|From: rsalz at (Rich Salz)
|Newsgroups: comp.sources.unix
|Subject: v18i049:  Indent, C reformatting program, Part01/03
|Message-ID: <1596 at>
|Date: 21 Mar 89 21:25:41 GMT
|Lines: 1477
|Approved: rsalz at uunet.UU.NET
|Submitted-by: Ozan Yigit <oz at>
|Posting-number: Volume 18, Issue 49
|Archive-name: indent/part01
|[  Oz has done lots of work on cleaning up all the copyright questions,
|   and fixing one or two bugs.  Kudo's to him.  He might appreciate
|   fixes, and he might not. :-)  --r$  ]

I highly recommend this utility, as it enables one to make many of the
religious questions about coding style rather moot.  (However, I tend to
save code when it comes from the net in what I may consider to be its
original ugly form, just in case patches ever get posted.  Anyway, the
following patches should make the code compile just fine in a System V

---------------------------------(cut here)------------------------------------
*** MakefileORIG	Fri Mar 24 12:33:48 1989
--- Makefile	Fri Mar 24 13:35:25 1989
*** 16,22
  #	@(#)Makefile	5.9 (Berkeley) 9/15/88
  LIBC=	/lib/libc.a
  SRCS=	indent.c io.c lexi.c parse.c pr_comment.c args.c
  OBJS=	indent.o io.o lexi.o parse.o pr_comment.o args.o

--- 16,22 -----
  #	@(#)Makefile	5.9 (Berkeley) 9/15/88
  LIBC=	/lib/libc.a
  SRCS=	indent.c io.c lexi.c parse.c pr_comment.c args.c
  OBJS=	indent.o io.o lexi.o parse.o pr_comment.o args.o
*** indent.cORIG	Fri Mar 24 12:36:28 1989
--- indent.c	Fri Mar 24 14:14:33 1989
*** 1018,1023
  			*sc_end++ = ' ';
  		    bcopy(s_lab + com_start, sc_end, com_end - com_start);
  		    sc_end += com_end - com_start;
  		    if (sc_end >= &save_com[sc_size])

--- 1018,1024 -----
  			*sc_end++ = ' ';
+ #ifdef BSD	/* gst 3/24/89 */
  		    bcopy(s_lab + com_start, sc_end, com_end - com_start);
  		    memcpy(sc_end, s_lab + com_start, com_end - com_start);
*** 1019,1024
  		    bcopy(s_lab + com_start, sc_end, com_end - com_start);
  		    sc_end += com_end - com_start;
  		    if (sc_end >= &save_com[sc_size])

--- 1020,1028 -----
  #ifdef BSD	/* gst 3/89 */
  		    bcopy(s_lab + com_start, sc_end, com_end - com_start);
+ #else
+ 		    memcpy(sc_end, s_lab + com_start, com_end - com_start);
+ #endif
  		    sc_end += com_end - com_start;
  		    if (sc_end >= &save_com[sc_size])
*** indent_glbs.h-	Fri Mar 24 12:33:59 1989
--- indent_globs.h	Fri Mar 24 13:57:32 1989
*** 21,26
  #include <stdio.h>
  #define BACKSLASH '\\'
  #define bufsize 200		/* size of internal buffers */

--- 21,27 -----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <memory.h>		/* gst: 3/24/89 */
  #define BACKSLASH '\\'
  #define bufsize 200		/* size of internal buffers */
*** io.cORIG	Fri Mar 24 14:50:53 1989
--- io.c	Fri Mar 24 14:00:56 1989
*** 542,547
      return s;
  parsefont(f, s0)
      register struct fstate *f;

--- 542,550 -----
      return s;
+ #ifndef BSD	/* gst 3/89 */
+ #define bzero(where, howmany) memset(where, (char)0, howmany)
+ #endif
  parsefont(f, s0)
      register struct fstate *f;
Gary S. Trujillo			      {linus,bbn,m2c}!spdcc!gnosys!gst
Somerville, Massachusetts		     {icus,ima,stech,wjh12}!gnosys!gst

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