Mines game for 3b1

Timothy J. Lipetz tjl at cbnews.ATT.COM
Tue Oct 17 08:59:09 AEST 1989

>>Seems to work fine for me, except that I can't tell where the mouse is 
>>pointing. The arror shows up in the margins, but dissapears when it gets
>>onto the playing field. When I start it up, what appears to be part of
>>a terminal escape sequence appears in the upper left corner, but it is 
>>then overwritten by the playing field.
>I was having the same problem myself. Try running the program directly from
>Unix, ( i.e, no window border) and it should work fine. I also get the
>escape chars. as well, but after you move out of the top corner, you
>don't notice it anyway.

As the author of the program.  I would be interested if any unix-pc
graphics guru can tell me what is wrong in the program.  (The ONLY
way I can get the arrow to vanish is if I run mines with the ! from
my office.  Every other way I have tried works fine.  (On 3.51) ).

Since I have several other graphics programs waiting in the wings, 
and the graphics in them was mostly yanked from mines, I
would like to correct the problem before I post them.

Thanks to anyone who can help.

Timothy J. Lipetz

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