looking for SB-Prolog for unix-pc

Paul J. Wagner wagner at umn-cs.cs.umn.edu
Wed Feb 7 04:33:40 AEST 1990

I'm looking for either the binaries (preferably) or the source for the
unix-pc port of SB-Prolog.  Would anyone either have this where it could
be ftp'd or be able to make a disk copy or otherwise send the files?

thanks much,


* Paul J. Wagner                Internet - wagner at umn-cs.cs.umn.edu    *
* Computer Science Department	UUCP	 - ...!rutgers!umn-cs!wagner   *
* University of Minnesota	Slowpost - 120 S. Michigan St.	       *
*   "think globally - act lexically"       Eau Claire, WI 54703        *

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