Fast strcmp() wanted.

Rob Sartin sartin at hplabsz.HPL.HP.COM
Thu Oct 4 05:33:38 AEST 1990

In article <CEDMAN.90Sep29091115 at> cedman at (Carl Edman) writes:
>string structure (or better class, long live C++ ! :-) which calculates
>a 32-bit CRC for each string the first time and stores it somewhere.
>Then only 1 (inlined) longword-compare will do the stringcomparisons
>for you.

Afraid not.  It'll give you an estimate of whether the strings match
(correctly identifying those that don't).  You will need to then
actually compare the strings if they are the same.  This method will
also be unable to reproduce strcmp's behavior (strcmp returns a signed
result indicated the <, =, > by being negative, zero, positive), it will
only return a boolean (match, no match).

If you do lots of string comparisons strictly for equality/inequality it
might be worth investigating.

Rob Sartin					uucp: hplabs!sartin
"Some may say that I have gone astray.	    internet: sartin at
How would they know? They never follow."

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