A loop in 4.2 f77 do_fio - (nf)
kel at ea.UUCP
kel at ea.UUCP
Wed May 30 05:45:00 AEST 1984
ea!kel May 29 14:45:00 1984
As I have gotten some inquiries after my admittedly inadequate description
of a forever looping condition in the 4.2bsd do_fio, here's more:
The bug I was bit by is evoked by formats of the form 'a0', 'i0', etc.
for example:
character * 80 thing
data thing/'This is a test thing. This has been a test thing.'/
write(6, 1001) thing
1001 format(a0)
will write output to stdout forever.
As will be apparent by now, this problem is an artifact of a very
obscure dialect (bastardization?) of fortran. By the way, when I
cooked up this example, I discovered that the formatter detects
an invalid format if you put the 'a0' directly into the write
If you get a fix for this, it might be nice for me to have, though
I've been warned about it, since I don't have source.
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