Update on 'DO loop limit' bug in f77 -- IMPORTANT
donn at sdchema.UUCP
donn at sdchema.UUCP
Mon May 28 03:53:51 AEST 1984
I have to apologize... I've posted three articles on this subject
before and NONE of them contained a fix for the underlying bug, which
is still lurking in the depths of the f77 compiler, waiting to strike
at the unwary. As yet I STILL don't have a complete fix, but I can
supply a hack that will cause all the symptoms of the bug to
disappear. I've known about the problem for several weeks, thanks to
the efforts of Jerry Berkman at UC Berkeley and Robert Elz at the
University of Melbourne, but for various reasons I haven't gotten
around to posting anything and since the bug is a major disaster I
thought I would simply post my hack.
The basic problem is that the code for recycling stack temporaries is
broken. The compiler makes special arrangements for recycling stack
temporaries after their usefulness comes to an end. It does this by
using a special null operation type ('SKFRTEMP') that has the effect of
returning specified stack temporaries to the pool of available
temporaries (the 'templist'). For example, a DO loop limit temporary
is allocated on the stack at the start of a loop, and (if everything
goes right) the temporary is returned to the temporary pool after the
intermediate code for the loop is emitted. Later the compiler may pull
this temporary from the pool and use it (for example) as a place to put
the address of the return value of a function that returns objects of
type COMPLEX. Unfortunately someone apparently decided that this
arrangement broke something in the register allocation code, because
immediately prior to register allocation the compiler returns ALL stack
temporaries to the pool (in optimize() in f77pass1/bb.c). This of
course defeats the effort to keep things like DO loop limit temporaries
from being trod on.
The mkargtemp() code that Bob Corbett supplied to me and which I posted
to the net has the effect of ensuring that the code that processes
subroutine calls has its own pool of temporaries to draw on, so that it
doesn't reach into the (tainted) general pool. My own earlier fix (to
exdo()) causes DO loop limits to be exempted from stack temporary
recycling. Neither of these fixes does anything about temporaries that
are created as a result of loop optimization, however, and even with
BOTH fixes in place the compiler will still generate incorrect code.
My hack simply turns off the recycling of stack temporaries. This
means that the stacks of f77 programs will be larger than before, but
the programs will WORK rather than die mysterious deaths. Here is the
hack (in mkaltmpn() in usr.bin/f77/src/f77pass1/proc.c):
*** /tmp/,RCSt1007713 Sun May 27 13:36:43 1984
--- proc.c Thu May 24 20:54:16 1984
*** 978,983
* remove it from the list and return it
for(oldp=CHNULL, p=templist ; p ; oldp=p, p=p->nextp)
q = (Addrp) (p->datap);
--- 997,1003 -----
* remove it from the list and return it
+ #ifdef notdef
for(oldp=CHNULL, p=templist ; p ; oldp=p, p=p->nextp)
q = (Addrp) (p->datap);
*** 996,1001
q = autovar(nelt, type, lengp);
q->istemp = YES;
--- 1016,1022 -----
+ #endif notdef
q = autovar(nelt, type, lengp);
q->istemp = YES;
I may post one or two more fixes from my backlog before I change jobs
next month, but I have been told not to work on f77 until after I leave
so there may be some delay...
Hacking on weekends,
Donn Seeley UCSD Chemistry Dept. ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdchema!donn
32 52' 30"N 117 14' 25"W (619) 452-4016 sdcsvax!sdchema!donn at nosc.ARPA
PS Who claims credit for inventing the identifier 'notdef'?
PPS Does anyone occasionally compile things with 'cc -Dnotdef' just to
see what will happen?
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