inode amnesia, no disk space and uucico

Dave Mathis @ ELAN designs dave at elandes.UUCP
Fri Sep 23 22:13:10 AEST 1988

Recently my system lost some inodes and decided that the disk was full
(it wasn't).  In itself, that wasn't too disasterous, a simple set of
fsck's can take care of the results.  The real problem started when
uucico started up for a news feeding. There were still inodes available
so files could be created, but no writes on new files could succeed.
HOWEVER, it seems that uucico never checks to see if a write to a TM*
file succeeds, it just kept receiving news, not being able to write it
and responding to the other system that the file was OK.
	This has happened on a few occasions, and by loosing the free list,
having the file system really fill up, or by a bad write/sector 
confusing the file system.  In general, I think this is antisocial 
behavior and would expect that uucico would either hang up the conversation
or tell the other system that the receive didn't go so well.
	So, can anyone explain to me what is really happening, and if there 
 is a way to prevent this.  The system is  SCO Xenix 2.2 (286) on a real

Dave Mathis                    UUCP oliveb!elandes!dave

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