Structure Comparison (ADA vs C)

S.C. Schwarm scs at foxvax1.UUCP
Fri Oct 14 22:22:12 AEST 1983

>Ok, does anybody have ADA implementations for all of the following:
>Intel 80[12]*8[0568]
>Zilog Z8[0]+
>Motorola MC680[0-9]+
>National Semiconductor (16|32)0(08|16|32)
>Data General Eclipse
>IBM 360 and successors

Just remember that C didn't have compilers for all of these when it was only
3 years old.  Give it time.

We also have to keep the goals of the languages clear.  C was intended to be
a replacement for assembly language and Ada* is for very long liked Real
time applications.  C has changed a lot and so has Ada.

Both languages have their place and will continue to be use for quite a

	Steve Schwarm


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