Bob Larson
Mon Dec 31 17:29:00 AEST 1984
Is EVERYONE ignoring the parentheses? Or is the silent majority just
hoping this discussion will disappear?
x <binop>= y;
is similar to
x = ( x <binop> (y));
with the exception x is only evaluated once. (If you don't think the parentheses
are needed, try * for <binop> and a+b for y.)
My other point to add to this discussion: There are few binary operators
that do not already have such assignment operator equivalents. I think a
list of desired ones would be clearer. &&= and ||= seem potentially useful,
as does ->= . On the other hand, .= and ,= are silly, and == means something
else. (Should I mention ===, !==, +==, +===, +====? No, I didn't think so.)
[I am interpreting <binop> loosely here, not as listed in k&r section 18.1.
Otherwise, the potentially useful ->= would be ignored, as well as all of the
silly combinations.]
Bob Larson <Blarson at Usc-Ecl.Arpa>
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