Pascal question

Eugene D. Brooks III brooks at lll-crg.ARPA
Thu Apr 25 14:49:25 AEST 1985

> The point all us "real" programmers are trying to make is ,
> don't go flamming off at the mouth at a really decent language (Pascal)
> is you don't know what you are talking about. Net.flame doesn't get forwarded
> here does it?
> Pascal gives you a choice of either "call-by-name" or "call-by-value".
> C forces you to use "call-by-value". Many C programmers try to simulate
> call by name using pointers in the argument list. Of course, I personally
> would never do (as shown in K & R I think)
> #define BEGIN {
> #define END }
> 				Steven Ksiazek
> 				...!ihnp4!aicchi!sjk

Could we PLEASE move this discussion to either net.pascal or

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