Windows and standards

Craig Wylie craig at dcl-cs.UUCP
Fri Dec 6 21:16:17 AEST 1985

In article <314 at brl-tgr.ARPA> WEBBER at (Bob Webber) writes:
>actually how to accomplish this is the issue that is addressed by most
>graphics standards.  using a standard like GKS will go a long ways
>toward solving this problem, ....... 

I think I heard that there was a (proposed) standard for graphics,
incorporating window management, along the lines of GKS. Anybody heard
any more on this ?


UUCP:	 ...!seismo!mcvax!ukc!dcl-cs!craig| Post: University of Lancaster,
DARPA:	 craig%lancs.comp at ucl-cs 	  |	  Department of Computing,
JANET:	 craig at		  |	  Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK.
Phone:	 +44 524 65201 Ext. 4146   	  |	  LA1 4YR
Project: Cosmos Distributed Operating Systems Research

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