Windows ( Really porting between Mac, Amiga, and ST

John Dibble johnd at kvvax4.UUCP
Wed Dec 18 00:24:30 AEST 1985

>   There are window standards being worked on by ANSI! At the last X3H3
>   meeting there was a small subgroup that spun of to start 
>   specification of this standard. On of my Prof's here at U Lowell is
>   on this committe. I will try and get a brain-dump from him, and post
>   the status of this standard to the net.
>   I must agree with previous note, GKS and CGI are NOT window standards,
>   nor do they specifiy how to interface withh windows. CGI might be a 
>   nice base for a window system/standard but GKS ugg to big, with to
>   many layers (in most cases) to add Wind managment on top of. I speak
>   after a summer of so a GKS implementation on top of a (pseudo)CGI.
> 					Rich Miner
> 					decvax!wanginst!ulowell!miner
>   /**
>    * From Ulowell - (soon to be) Home of a cheap GKS w/source.
>    */


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