C Pretty Printers

Marc Ries ries at trwpyr.UUCP
Thu Apr 3 03:25:26 AEST 1986

> I am looking for a C prettyprinter  in  the  public  domain.  The
> only one I know of is the one in UNIX called cb which I assume is
> not pd.  Does anyone know if there is a GNU cb and how to get it?
> Does anyone know of any other C prettyprinters?

I do recall a while back (<yr>3mths?) that either the  source  or
mod  diffs  to  the program indent was posted to the net.  Indent
does alot of gee whiz stuff, but I use it over cb.

As for as PD status is, the README file says:

     "This is  the  C  indenter,  it  originally  came  from  the
     University of Illinois via some distribution tape for PDP-11
     Unix.  It has subsequently been hacked upon by James Gosling
     @  CMU.  It  isn't  very  pretty,  and  really  needs  to be
     completely redone, but it is probably the  nicest  C  pretty
     printer around."

The actual source code(s) include the following:

			  Copyright (C) 1976
				by the
			  Board of Trustees
				of the
			University of Illinois

-- Marc Ries, TRW Operations and Support Group

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