April 1986 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Apr 1 00:17:02 AEST 1986
Ending: Wed Apr 30 23:33:53 AEST 1986
Messages: 499
- Big vs Little-Endian
- PDP-11 byte order in longs
- Thanks to Dan Franklin
- An amusing piece of code
- questions from using lint
Steve Schlaifer x3171 156/224
- Question about LINT
Steve Schlaifer x3171 156/224
- Byte order (retitled)
David Elins ext. 220
- #define kinda stuff
- lint
art at ACC.ARPA
- An amusing piece of code
Frank Adams
- unary +
Frank Adams
- Sorting linked list
Frank Adams
- Float Double Parameters; extern/static scope
Frank Adams
- goto jumps into loops
Frank Adams
- Byte order
Frank Adams
- Infinite loops
Frank Adams
- Jumping into blocks
Frank Adams
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Kenneth Almquist
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Ken Arnold%CGL
- void *
Ken Arnold%CGL
- Array of pointers to functions
- C Builtin Funxions
gwyn at BRL.ARPA
- Infinite loops
gwyn at BRL.ARPA
- Address of array
gwyn at BRL.ARPA
- A simple non-portable expression tha
gwyn at BRL.ARPA
- questions from using lint
Rex Ballard
- varargs
Rex Ballard
- lint question
Jim Barnes
- unary +
Randall S. Becker
- Solution to "oops, corrupted memory again!"
Bjorn Benson
- An amusing piece of code
Bob Bickford
- Byte order (retitled)
Mark Biggar
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Eric Black
- Float Double Parameters
Bob Mabee, Software
- unary +
Walter Bright
- A simple non-portable expression tha
Walter Bright
- Help with C-kermit on SCO Xenix V
Bennett Broder
- C Quiz: why does this SIGFPE?
Dave Brower
- SIGFPE C quiz answer
Dave Brower
- Byte order (retitled)
Rick Buls
- Lint
Ray Butterworth
- unary +
- goto jumps into loops
- Request for info on _The_C_Toolbox_
- Pointers to arrays in C
dietz%slb-doll.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
- Help Utility for UNIX using VAX format.
Larry Campbell
- Good code for sometimes shared case stuff
- C Builtin Funxions
Wayne A. Christopher
- ... C builtin functions?
Alex Colvin
- UNIX Futures
Pete Cottrell
- C Builtin Funxions
Ben Cranston
- weird C behavior
Bill Crews
- Byte order (or you are both wrong)
Lawrence Crowl
- Byte order (or you are both wro
Lawrence Crowl
- Byte order (or you are both wrong)
Lawrence Crowl
- Byte order
Lawrence Crowl
- An amusing piece of code
David Herron, NPR Lover
- C Builtin Funxions
David Herron, NPR Lover
- questions from using lint
Mark DeWitt
- questions from using lint
Kay Dekker
- Please send me a copy of the Indian Hill style sheet.
Kay Dekker
- Byte order (retitled)
David DiGiacomo
- Pointers to arrays in C
Paul Dietz
- are for loops and while loops the same thing?
Judith Donath
- define kinda stuff
Stein-Erik Engbr}ten
- Include the va_end!
Stein-Erik Engbr}ten
- #define kinda stuff
David Eppstein
- Help Utility for UNIX using VAX format.
Peter Farabaugh
- VMS to UNIX help routines
Peter Farabaugh
Dan Franklin
- C startup in /lib/crt0.o
Dan Franklin
- Byte order (retitled)
Stanley Friesen
- Please send me a copy of the Indian Hill style sheet.
Randolph Fritz
- UNIX OS / Language Test & Validation Suites
Richard M. Geiger
- ... C builtin functions?
Jim Giles
- Help me out on Float Double Parameters
John Gilmore
- Tail recursion
Chris Gray
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
P. D. Guthrie
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
P. D. Guthrie
- Byte order (retitled)
Doug Gwyn
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Doug Gwyn
- C builtin functions?
Doug Gwyn
- C Builtin Funxions
Doug Gwyn
- Float Double Parameters
Doug Gwyn
- C Builtin Functions
Doug Gwyn
- SIGFPE C quiz answer
Doug Gwyn
- Boolean Operators Slighted in C
Doug Gwyn
- Infinite loops
Doug Gwyn
- An amusing piece of code
Marcus Hall
- Address of array
Robert Hamilton
- goto jumps into loops
David Harmon
- Float Double Parameters
Guy Harris
- Address of array
Guy Harris
- mixing scanf and gets
Guy Harris
- Dereferencing NULL (includes a bug in S5 "tabs" command)
Guy Harris
- Help me out on Float Double Parameters
Guy Harris
- Byte order (retitled)
Richard Harter
- Byte order (retitled)
Richard Harter
- Byte order (retitled)
Richard Harter
- Math sorts and such
Richard Harter
- Mathsort (was: builtin functions)
Richard Harter
- Byte order (or you are both wrong)
Richard Harter
- oops, corrupted memory again!
Richard Harter
- Pascal-to-C translator
Dave Haynie
- *p++ = *p results?
KW Heuer
- Dereferencing NULL (was: *p++ = *p results?)
KW Heuer
- unary +
KW Heuer
- Address of array; really structure & [array] passing
KW Heuer
- Sorting linked list
KW Heuer
- mixing scanf and gets
KW Heuer
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
KW Heuer
- Sorting linked list
KW Heuer
- C builtin functions?
KW Heuer
- C builtin functions
KW Heuer
- Float Double Parameters; extern/static scope
KW Heuer
- void *
KW Heuer
- C builtin functions
KW Heuer
- unary +, volatile
KW Heuer
- Wayne Throop's declaration poll
KW Heuer
- Jumping into blocks
KW Heuer
- void *
KW Heuer
- oops, corrupted memory again!
KW Heuer
- Byte order (retitled)
Thomas H{meenaho
- Infinite loops
Bennett E. Todd III
- Float Double Parameters
Eugene D. Brooks III
- C++ and multitasking
Eugene D. Brooks III
- lint
Eugene D. Brooks III
- Byte order (retitled)
Michal Jaegermann
- Pointers to arrays in C
Root Boy Jim
- Dereferencing NULL
Root Boy Jim
- unary +
Root Boy Jim
- Sorting ANYTHING
Root Boy Jim
- An amusing piece of code
Root Boy Jim
- Byte order (retitled & rehashed)
Root Boy Jim
- Questions about C on a Prime (primix)
Root Boy Jim
- ANSI C Draft
Root Boy Jim
- mixing scanf and gets
Root Boy Jim
- An amusing piece of code
Craig Johnson
- Byte order (retitled and silly)
James Johnson
- varargs
Joe Kalash
- dbx info wanted
Herb Kanner
- dbx--thanks
Herb Kanner
- Tail recursion optimization
Sam Kendall
- Address of array
Sam Kendall
- Followup to Very Tough C Riddle
Sam Kendall
- void * [also malloc]
Sam Kendall
- oops, corrupted memory again!
Sam Kendall
- Alignment of malloc return value (Re: void * [also malloc])
Sam Kendall
- Help using dbx
Przemyslaw Klosowski
- varargs
Andrew Koenig
- varargs
Andrew Koenig
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Andrew Koenig
- Example Program: a[i]=b[i++] non-portability
Chris Koenigsberg
- An amusing piece of code
Geoff Kuenning
- #define kinda stuff
Richard Kuhns
- Jumping into blocks
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
PASM Parallel Processing Laboratory
- C Builtin Functions
Bob Larson
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Daniel R. Levy
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Daniel R. Levy
- Gosub
Daniel R. Levy
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Daniel R. Levy
- Infinite loops
Daniel R. Levy
- Why are there 50 copies of this article?
Jacob Levy
- Infinite loops
Badri Lokanathan
- Infinite loops (thanks to all responders)
Badri Lokanathan
- ... C builtin functions?
Ray Lubinsky
- Float Double Parameters
- Pascal-to-C translator
- Pascal-to-C translator(YES!, but $)
Peter Marvit
- Small C
Mongo Mauler
- distribution list addition
Marty McFadden
- #define kinda stuff
Ryan McGuire
- Float Double Parameters
Michael Meissner
- ANSI C Draft
Michael Meissner
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Michael Meissner
- lint
Mike I'll be mellow when I'm dead Meyer
- <sgtty.h> for amiga
Thomas Bradley Miles
- varargs
Greg Millar
- Array of pointers to functions
der Mouse
- goto jumps into loops
der Mouse
- ... C builtin functions?
Joe Mueller
- define kinda stuff
- goto jumps into loops
John P. Nelson
- Array of pointers to functions
Roger J. Noe
- Third International Obfuscated C Code Contest Rules
Landon Noll
- Winners of 1985 International C Code Contest
Landon Noll
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
John Owens
- goto jumps into loops
John Owens
- lint
Vicarious Oyster
- Help using dbx
Jerry Peek
- Infinite loops
Roe Peterson
- Optimization error?
Joe Pruett
- Gosub
Sam McCall - Hacker In Residency
- Who are Tartan Labs?
Rick Richardson
- An amusing piece of code
Rick Richardson
- #define kinda stuff
Rick Richardson
- Wayne Throop's declaration poll
Rick Richardson
- An amusing piece of code
Darryl Richman
- An amusing piece of code
Darryl Richman
- C Pretty Printers
Marc Ries
- varargs
George Robbins
- Infinite loops
George Robbins
- An amusing piece of code
Chris Robertson
- Jumping into blocks
Chris Robertson
- Complex Arithmetic Library Wanted
Douglas Robinson
- Pointers to freshly minted functions
John Rose
- A last word on arrays? Hah! (LONG)
John Rose
- Byte order (retitled)
John Rose
- Help using dbx
Mark Rosenthal
- C Builtin Funxions
Guido van Rossum
- am I in the background?
Jim Ruppert
- #define kinda stuff, (really comment symbols)
Wolfgang Rupprecht
- Address of array
Steven Brian McKechnie Sargent
- unary +
Laurence Schmitt
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Jerry Schwarz
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Jerry Schwarz
- C bug of the week
Donn Seeley
- How do I make it better?
Bob Shaw
- Does anyone care about performance?
Bob Shaw
- ... C builtin functions
Chris Shaw
- Sorting ANYTHING
Barry Shein
- Address of array; really structure & [array] passing
Peter S. Shenkin
- Published C code for sorting (& other stuff)
Melinda Shore
- define end of comment
Col. G. L. Sicherman
- void *
Jeff Siegal
- C work under/not under Unix
Dan Smith
- Address of array
Gregory Smith
- Float Double Parameters
Gregory Smith
- Float Double Parameters
Gregory Smith
- *p++ = *p and more
Gregory Smith
- are for loops and while loops the same thing?
Gregory Smith
- An amusing piece of code
Gregory Smith
- &array, evolved to struct compare
Gregory Smith
- Sorting linked list
Gregory Smith
- Byte order
Gregory Smith
- unary +
Gregory Smith
- fgets
Gregory Smith
- Wayne Throop's declaration poll
Gregory Smith
- C Builtin Funxions
Gregory Smith
- Mathsort (was: builtin functions)
Gregory Smith
- Tail recursion
Gregory Smith
- Byte order (or you are both wrong)
Gregory Smith
- C Builtin Funxions
Gregory Smith
- define kinda stuff
Gregory Smith
- Byte order (retitled)
Gregory Smith
- Optimization error?
Gregory Smith
- Good code for sometimes shared case
Gregory Smith
- unary +
Gregory Smith
- A simple non-portable expression tha
Gregory Smith
- Address of array
Gregory Smith
- Byte order (retitled)
Gregory Smith
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Gregory Smith
- Lint
Gregory Smith
- Why are there 50 copies of this article?
Griff Smith
- Byte order (retitled)
Griff Smith
- Byte order (retitled)
Griff Smith
- octal character constants
Jeff Smith
- A simple non-portable expression that lint passes
Tim Smith
- An amusing piece of code
Tim Smith
- An amusing piece of code
Tim Smith
- An amusing piece of code
Tim Smith
- A simple non-portable expression tha
Tim Smith
- An amusing piece of code
Tim Smith
- A simple non-portable expression tha
Tim Smith
- Byte order (retitled)
Henry Spencer
- fgets
Henry Spencer
- #define kinda stuff
Henry Spencer
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Henry Spencer
- Tail recursion optimization
Henry Spencer
- Signed Characters
Henry Spencer
- A simple non-portable expression tha
Henry Spencer
- oops, corrupted memory again!
Jan Steinman
- Jumping into blocks is a no-no (was: Re: An amusing piece of code)
Steve Summit
- Float Double Parameters
Ray Swartz
- *p++ = *p and more
- define kinda stuff
- Byte order (retitled)
Spencer W. Thomas
- Sorting linked lists
Wayne Throop
- Array of pointers to functions
Wayne Throop
- Array of pointers to functions
Wayne Throop
- A last word on arrays? Hah!
Wayne Throop
- Array of pointers to functions
Karl Tombre
- SUN C compiler bug?
Chris Torek
- are for loops and while loops the same thing?
Chris Torek
- An amusing piece of code
Chris Torek
- Infinite loops
Chris Torek
- goto jumps into loops
Chris Torek
- #define kinda stuff
Ray Trent
- SUN C compiler bug?
- Address of array; really structure & [array] passing
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
- C Compiler Bug
- mixing scanf and gets
- A simple non-portable expression tha
- A last word on arrays? Hah! (LONG)
- void *
- lint
- non UNIX C development
- oops, corrupted memory again!
- An amusing piece of code
Robert Vetter
- Mail List
Glenn P. Viernes
- Help with C-kermit on SCO Xenix V
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
- Why are there 50 copies of this article?
Jim Webb
- Need help with symbol table and relocation info in .o files
Steve Weil
- Good code for sometimes shared case stuff
Bradford S. Werner
- #define kinda stuff
Joel West
- Linting
Garry Wiegand
- questions from using lint
Garry Wiegand
- Question about LINT
Stephen J. Williams
- Array of pointers to functions
William E. Woody
- Arrays of pointers to functions
William E. Woody
- Arrays of pointers to functions
William E. Woody
- Posting errors
William E. Woody
- Gosub
Cherry.XSIS at Xerox.COM
- An amusing piece of code
Joseph S. D. Yao
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Example Program: a[i]=b[i++] non-portability
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Example Program: a[i]=b[i++] non-portability
Joseph S. D. Yao
- mixing scanf and gets
Joseph S. D. Yao
- fgets
Joseph S. D. Yao
- unary +
Joseph S. D. Yao
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Jumping into blocks is a no-no (was: Re: An amusing piece of code)
Joseph S. D. Yao
- SUN C compiler bug?
Pete Zakel
- lint query
James R. Van Zandt
- Tail recursion optimization
Alan T. Bowler [SDG]
- Question about LINT
Alan T. Bowler [SDG]
- #define kinda stuff
richw at ada-uts
- questions from using lint
philip at axis.UUCP
- void *
kwh at bentley
- goto jumps into loops
guido at boring.UUCP
- Byte order (retitled)
guido at boring.UUCP
- Infinite Loops
ron at brl-sem
- Infinite loops
ron at brl-sem.UUCP
- Array of pointers to functions
Unknown at brl-smok
- Infinite Loops
ARPA at brl-smoke
- A simple non-portable expression tha
ARPA at brl-smoke
- A simple non-portable expression tha
ARPA at brl-smoke
- void *
ARPA at brl-smoke
- Jumping into blocks
ARPA at brl-smoke
- mixing scanf and gets
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- lint
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
bzs at bu-cs.UUCP
- varargs
grr at cbmvax
- Byte order (or you are both wron
g-rh at cca
- varargs
rb at ccird2
- Address of array
aglew at ccvaxa.UUCP
- An amusing piece of code
aglew at ccvaxa.UUCP
- Good code for sometimes shared case
aglew at ccvaxa.UUCP
- An amusing piece of code
aglew at ccvaxa.UUCP
- Infinite loops
aglew at ccvaxa.UUCP
- Array of pointers to functions
woody%Juliet.Caltech.Edu at cit-hamlet.ARPA
- VAX VMS C Question
zar%Xhmeia.Caltech.Edu at cit-hamlet.ARPA
- unary +
trent at cit-vax.UUCP
- A simple non-portable expression tha
bright at dataioDat
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
Ipse dixit
- #define kinda stuff
Ipse dixit
- goto jumps into loops
jso at edison
- void *
mc68020 at gilbbs
- C++ and multitasking
keith gorlen
- On using odd features of your local environment
gnu at hoptoad.UUCP
- Redefining C Builtin Functions
gnu at hoptoad.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Gosub
daemon at houligan.UUCP
- Array of pointers to functions
Unknown at hplabs.UUCP
- C Builtin Funxions
Unknown at hplabs.UUCP
- Infinite loops
Unknown at hplabs.UUCP
- Response to <577 at ur-helheim.UUCP> <961 at umcp-cs.UUCP> <1444 at ecsvax.UUCP> <1299 at mmintl.UUCP>
Unknown at hplabs.UUCP
- Response to <410 at cit-vax.Caltech.Edu> <228 at sfsup.UUCP>
Unknown at hplabs.UUCP
- Byte order (retitled)
rbj at icst-cmr
- Question about LINT
az at inmet.UUCP
- Infinite Loops
tim at ism780c
- Array of pointers to functions
cjl at iuvax.UUCP
- Sets in C
wex at milano.UUCP
- void *
jbs at mit-eddie
- Jumping into blocks
franka at mmintl
- C YACC & LEX wanted
lvs at ndm20
- structured assembler (BASIC) [Really: C builtin functions?]
jj at nrcvax.UUCP
- WANTED: 68K C crosscompiler}i that runs on miscellaneous machines...
pete at octopus.UUCP
- C builtin functions
roy at phri.UUCP
- oops, corrupted memory again!
dan at prairie.UUCP
- Questions about C on a Prime (pr
bob at primerd.uucp
- Byte order (retitled)
friesen at psivax.UUCP
- unary +
friesen at psivax.UUCP
- Error control codingg
- Byte order
crowl at rochester
- C Builtin Funxions
- #define kinda stuff
- C Builtin Funxions
- mixing scanf and gets
- lint
- C Builtin Funxions
- Args in Regs
- Byte order (retitled)
- multitasking in one process (4.2BSD)
- ATT and function declarations
- Infinite Loops
steiny at scc
- A simple non-portable expression tha
jrv at siemens.UUCP
- Pointers to arrays in C
jrv at siemens.UUCP
- weird C behavior
rbj%icst-cmr at smoke.UUCP
- Address of array
rbj%icst-cmr at smoke.UUCP
- unary +
rbj%icst-cmr at smoke.UUCP
- Signed Characters
rbj%icst-cmr at smoke.UUCP
- C Builtin Funxions
rbj%icst-cmr at smoke.UUCP
- Help using dbx
guy at sun.UUCP
- System V preprocessor problem with <generic.h>
guy at sun.UUCP
- Byte order (retitled)
rose at think
- Signed Characters
dick at tjalk.UUCP
- Jumping into blocks
chris at toram
- Infinite Loops
levy at ttrdc
- varargs
mccaugh at uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU
- C++ and multitasking
reddy at uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU
- Float Double Parameters
kenny at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
- An amusing piece of code
kenny at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
- Sorting linked list
mccaugh at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
- net.lang.english?
mcdaniel at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
- Question about LINT
robison at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
- Byte order (or you are both wro
robison at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
- *p++ = *p and more
wsmith at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
- updated version of struct
ps at ukc.UUCP
- arguments in registers
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- C Builtin Funxions
zben at umd5.UUCP
- Array of pointers to functions
herndon at umn-cs
- Infinite Loops
herndon at umn-cs
- Float Double Parameters
herndon at umn-cs.UUCP
- structured assembler (BASIC) [R
herndon at umn-cs.UUCP
- net.lang.english?
herndon at umn-cs.UUCP
- Array of pointers to functions
herndon at umn-cs.UUCP
- C Builtin Funxions
herndon at umn-cs.UUCP
- Infinite loops
herndon at umn-cs.UUCP
- oops, corrupted memory again!
herndon at umn-cs.UUCP
- Infinite Loops
Unknown at ur-helhe
- ... C builtin functions?
dave at ur-helheim.UUCP
- varargs
blarson at usc-oberon.UUCP
- Address of array
greg at utcsri
- Byte order (retitled)
greg at utcsri
- Pascal Origins
Root Boy Jim
- Is there a lint for small micros?
- Ron Cain Small C
- C mailing list
- C prettyprinter
- An amusing piece of code
- Prototype declarations inside functions
- Bibliographic request
- *p++ = *p and more
john at wvlpdp
- unary +
john at wvlpdp
- Infinite Loops
david at ztivax.UUCP
Last message date:
Wed Apr 30 23:33:53 AEST 1986
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:33:02 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).