command line options
Barton E. Schaefer
schaefer at ogcvax.UUCP
Wed Mar 30 03:53:02 AEST 1988
>From article <2414 at zyx.UUCP> aj at zyx.SE (Arndt Jonasson) is quoted:
} [Proposal for a more convenient way to parse command line options]
} ...a static option descriptor array is initialized at compile
} time and passed to the function 'O_parse_options' at runtime.
}Arndt Jonasson, ZYX Sweden AB, Styrmansgatan 6, 114 54 Stockholm, Sweden
}email address: aj at zyx.SE or <backbone>!mcvax!enea!zyx!aj
In article <srs.738> srs!dan at (Dan Kegel) responds:
} We like this idea, but we implemented it a little differently.
} The "Option descriptors" can be placed into a scanf-style string.
} argproc(argc, argv, "=f -d%g -s%s %s %s", &flag, &dbl, string,
} arg1, arg2);
} The format string to argproc contains flag names (-d, -s) optionally followed
} by value type specifiers a la scanf (%g %s). If the flag name is introduced
} by '=' instead of '-', a boolean variable in the argument list is set TRUE
} or FALSE according to whether the flag was given or not.
} --
} Dan Kegel "... earn it anew if thou wouldst possess it." - Goethe: Faust
} srs!dan at rochester!srs!dan dan%srs.uucp at
I like the second idea better than the first because no static/global storage
is required; it's more modular. However, both seem to have (fixable)
drawbacks. Arndt's option parser, as I recall (I don't have the original
article here), returns "a pointer to the first non-option argument"; this
seems to imply that all options must precede any non-option arguments on the
command line. I'd prefer to be able to mix them arbitrarily (with obvious
restrictions, e.g., if "-f" is used to introduce a file name, then that file
name must immediately follow the option, if "--" appears then none of the
remaining arguments are treated as options, etc.). I can't tell from the brief
description given whether Dan's function can handle this or not, but I'll give
the benefit of the doubt.
The problem with Dan's function is that it appears to have no provision for
parsing an arbitrary number of arguments (e.g., "rm" can take as many file
names as the shell can handle in one command line). I therefore make the
following suggestions:
1) Change the first argument of argproc to (int *) and return the
number of arguments remaining after processing by storing through
this pointer. It would normally be passed &argc as the first
2) Allow argproc to rearrange the pointers in argv to move successfully
processed arguments to the front of the array. THIS DOES NOT MEAN
COPYING THE ARGUMENT STRINGS. I know what kind of chaos could result
if argv[5], "antidisestablishmentarianism", were copied to argv[2],
which might be "the".
3) Make the return value of argproc be of type (char **), a pointer to
the first not-yet-processed argument. The rearranging in (2) will
ensure that all unprocessed arguments are grouped in the last argc
positions of argv, where argc has the value returned in (1). This
allows successive calls to argproc to parse a long argv.
Comments? Arguments (no pun intended :-) against doing (2), which is the
most questionable step? Random flames? ....
Bart Schaefer CSNET: schaefer at
UUCP: ...{tektronix,verdix}!ogcvax!schaefer
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purse out of a pig in a poke." -- Opus
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