C != FORTH; Pointers == Links
christiansen at chewi.che.wisc.EDU
Fri Mar 4 00:51:39 AEST 1988
In article <8803021809.aa16276 at SMOKE.BRL.ARPA>,
>I'm really excited about the idea of a "D" programming language. Let me
>make a suggest or two:
>I think that the one thing that really detracts from C is the fact that it
>isn't RPN. Reverse-polish-notation has a lot of benefits. First of all,
Oh, no. I like RPN on my calculator, because it is fast, but no one
else has to read my calculator code. Please don't turn a readable
language into something like "FORTH"... Maintenance programmers
will turn your name into an ugly epithet!
>we'd get the support of all the HP calculator lovers, all the FORTH users,
>and compiler writers would find it easier to write compilers since RPN is
>easier to parse.
Parsing isn't really a big issue. Most computer science undergraduates
learn how to parse normal mathematical notation. And think of the
conversion problems from C, Pascal or Fortran...
>Another thing that "D" should have... actually not have, is pointers. At
>least 85% of the problems discussed here on Info-C are people who have
>some problem with confusion about pointers. Removing pointers would solve
>this whole set of problems.
Remove my pointers?! The ability to dynamically manage memory and
manipulate arbitrary data structures is the main reason I will use
C on an application rather than Fortran. Of course, for numerical
algorithms, Fortran is my choice, due to C's inadequate array support.
>Instead of pointers, we should have dynamic links. These would be just
>like pointers but totally different. Dynamic links will hold the address
>of what they are pointing to. With such a simple definition like this,
>nobody will get confused.
What is a pointer, except for an address of an object, and its
associated type? Removing the type specification thwarts prototype
checking, which is contrary to the spirit of the ANSI standard.
Exasperatedly, | Small Song
| ===== ====
Reed L. Christiansen | The reeds
UW Dept of Chemical Engineering | give way to the
1415 Johnson Drive |
Madison, WI 53706 | wind and give
(608)262-7267 | the wind away -- A.R.Ammons, 1970
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