C != FORTH; Pointers == Links

Christopher Dollin kers at otter.hple.hp.com
Fri Mar 4 22:20:51 AEST 1988

Hey, Reed ...

I think the original poster was jesting.

Oddly enough, Pop11 operates Polish style, but you'd not think it to look at
most of the code, as expressions

    E1 + E2

are translated to

    E1.codefor, E2.codefor, CALL +

"Well, so what?" you may say. "So it uses RPN as an implementation technique.
But if the user can't see, who cares?". Well, the user can see it if da wants
to, and explot it even.

Hm. Probably this ought to have been diverted to comp.lang.misc.... But since
there seems to be quite a lot of "How to 'improve' C to D", should there be
a comp.lang.prefections?


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