Microsoft C 6.00/5.10

Peter Davidson naga at wet.UUCP
Fri Jun 29 07:56:30 AEST 1990

Recently I switched from Version 5.10 of the Microsoft C Compiler
to Version 6.00 (which has lots more warning messages, a good thing).
I ran into a problem linking code that was compiled with one version
with code compiled with the other.  Specifically, if you use the
Version 5.10 linker to link object modules compiled with 6.00 with
object modules compiled with 5.10 you may get the error message:
LINK: error L2029: Unresolved externals: _aNchkstk in file(s) ...
I called Microsoft and for once got an answer and a solution.
It seems that 6.00 unlike 5.10 distinguishes Near and Far in 
its stack checking procedures.  To overcome the linker problem
simply compile your 6.00 modules with the /Gh compiler option,
then link as usual.

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