June 1990 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jun 1 00:10:57 AEST 1990
Ending: Sat Jun 30 23:55:54 AEST 1990
Messages: 480
- how do I exec() a script
Leif Ljung /DP
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Peter Jeffe 512.823.4091/500000
- How do I make my program beep.
Haseen Alam
- How do I make my program beep.
Haseen I. Alam
- How to read in file size
Haseen I. Alam
- To beep or not to beep.
Haseen I. Alam
- Looking for a PL/M to C converter
Steve Alvey
- Function returning Structure: How does it work?
Scott Amspoker
- MSC 6.0 malloc question
JT Anderson
- Ternary Operator: (cond ? const_str : nonconst_str) legal?
Dr. T. Andrews
- integer to string function (itoa())
Brad Appleton
- Where to find c matrix- and vector algebra lib?
Fredrik Arinell
- How do I make my program beep.
Kenneth Arromdee
- redirecting output
Jason C Austin
- Assigning an address to an integer
Randy Azarian
- passing arrays to functions
Ranjan Bagchi
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
Mark Bailey
- Lex and initial start conditions
Jeff Barber
- YACC definition for C
Jeff Beard
- bit fields
Andrew Beers
- Using RCS and make
Martin v.d. Boogaard
- Quick C 1.01b
Tom Boutell
- bug me now / bug me later
Art Boyne
- enum handling by cc under ultrix V2 wrong?
Tim Bray
- Routine to convert between IEEE and VAX floating point ?
Walter Bright
- makefiles
Tim Brown
Andre van Brussel
- Disabling file name expansion (was Re: UNIX command line arguments)
Joseph H. Buehler
- Dr. Dobbs Multitasking Kernal -- HELP!
Thomas Bullinger
- vax io
Burkhard Burow
- vax stream io?
Burkhard Burow
- vax io stream
Burkhard Burow
- Can lint help an ANSI-C programmer?
Duane M. Butler
- Routine to convert between IEEE and VAX floating point ?
Doug Tody CCS
- UNIX command line arguments
Conor P. Cahill
- bcopy and bzero on AT&T sysV
Conor P. Cahill
- bcopy and bzero on AT&T sysV
Conor P. Cahill
- how do I exec() a script
Conor P. Cahill
- integer to string function (itoa())
Conor P. Cahill
- Microsoft C,printf(), ansi,sys
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- prototype my function, please
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Simulate carriage return?
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- ANSI C => traditional C conversion tool?
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- C official DOD langauge?
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- #pragma
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- prototype my function, please
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- How to read in file size
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- makefiles
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Entry as a reserved word
Chris Calabrese[mav]
- How do I make my program beep.
Rob Carriere
- Wanted: The C Users Journal
Winthrop D. Chan
- porting C programs from UNIX to VMS
M Darrin Chaney
- BSD equivalent of memalign ?
Po Cheung
- char **x, ***x
Albert Chin
- UNIX command line arguments
Albert Chin
- passing variable arguments
Albert Chin
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Robert Claeson
- Function returning Structure: How does it work?
Stephen Clamage
- casting to/from union types
Stephen Clamage
- prototype my function, please
Stephen Clamage
- How many elements are in my arrays?
Stephen Clamage
- Ternary Operator: (cond ? const_str : nonconst_str) legal?
Stephen Clamage
- prototype my function, please
Stephen Clamage
- Protoize/Unprotoize (was: ANSI C to K&R syntax converter)
Stephen Clamage
- prototype my function, please
Stephen Clamage
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
Stephen Clamage
- extern
Stephen Clamage
- C obfuscator (Obfuscator code attached)
Geoff Clare
- typedef-ing an array
Peter Clark
- typedef-ing an array
Peter Clark
- prototype my function, please
King Claudius
- C tutorial
- how do I exec() a script
- Software Performance
Mark Crafts
- MS C 6.0 LINK: how to suppress the Definitions File prompt?
Clayton Cramer
- ANSI C => traditional C conversion tool?
Mark Crispin
- Tip Concerning Massive COFF Comment Sections
Nick Crossley
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Bradford R. Daniels
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Bradford R. Daniels
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Bradford R. Daniels
- Microsoft C 6.00/5.10
Peter Davidson
- Bogus! (was Re: Proof that Prolog can be faster than C)
Saumya K. Debray
- passing arrays to functions
Donald Desjardin
- Deleting a file in a C program
Rahul Dhesi
- decimal representation
Nicholas Dimas
- Protoize/Unprotoize (was: ANSI C to K&R syntax converter)
Neil Dixon
- Wanted: VAX VMS Pascal config file for p2c
Tom Doehne
- '\x' ?
Michael K Donegan
- AT&T and BSD Extensions to C
Saadat Dowlati
- Need help w/unbuff'd input.
TIM at ENH.Prime.COM
- lint on a PC or ATT 386 Unix?
- Wanted: source for a simple Turbo C file lister
Joe Duval - Entomology
- Proof that Prolog can be faster than C
Christer Ericson
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Matthew Farwell
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Matthew Farwell
- C tutorial
Ingo Feulner
- char **x, ***x
Steven Murray Field
- bug me now / bug me later
Robert Firth
- ANSI C and C++
Lars P. Fischer
- C obfuscator
Russ Fish
- address problems
Michael G. Fitzpatrick
- typedef enum as subset of another enum
Barry Friedman
- redirecting output
Eric Friets
- MS C 6.0 LINK: how to suppress the Definitions File prompt?
- Generic swap - comments and questions
Gregory L. Galloway
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Michael Garzione
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Jim Giles
- Entry as a reserved word
M Gordon
Robert Gottlieb
- Doubly Linked Lists
Robert Gottlieb
- Unsigned character conversion to (unsigned)int.
Doug Graham
- Proof that Prolog can be faster than C
Vinod Grover
- bug me now / bug me later
Dolf Grunbauer
- Why must setjmp be a macro?
Dolf Grunbauer
- ipc...
Byron Max Guernsey
- passing arrays to functions
Ronald Guilmette
- Protoize/Unprotoize (was: ANSI C to K&R syntax converter)
Ronald Guilmette
- bit true operations
M. Guravage
- No swap needed.....
Doug Gwyn
- Need help w/unbuff'd input.
Charles Hannum
- How to get a byte offset
Jim Harkins
- Return Graph varies from Call Graph?
Jim Harkins
- bug me now / bug me later
Jim Harkins
- How do I make my program beep.
Mark Harrison
- why "(void)printf(fmt);" besides lint(1)?
Mark Harrison
- Can lint help an ANSI-C programmer?
Mark Harrison
- Can lint help an ANSI-C programmer?
Mark Harrison
- Proof that Prolog can be faster than C
David John Hawley
- portability/maintenance
Paul Hays
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
David Heisterberg
- Help with MSC v5.1
Gary Hennigan
- software development tools
Ramon F Herrera
- boolean
Karl Heuer
- How to get a byte offset
Karl Heuer
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
Karl Heuer
- How many elements are in my arrays?
Karl Heuer
- prototype my function, please
Karl Heuer
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
Karl Heuer
- Protoize/Unprotoize (was: ANSI C to K&R syntax converter)
Karl Heuer
- How do I make my program beep.
Karl Heuer
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
Karl Heuer
- Alloca: Its use is hazardous to the health of your program?
Karl Heuer
- ANSI C and C++
Karl Heuer
- #pragma
Karl Heuer
- ANSI C => traditional C conversion tool?
Karl Heuer
- Return Graph varies from Call Graph?
Karl Heuer
- Unsigned character conversion to (unsigned)int.
Karl Heuer
- prototype my function, please
Karl Heuer
- boolean
Karl Heuer
- int8, etc.
Karl Heuer
- prototype my function, please
Karl Heuer
- How do I make my program beep.
Karl Heuer
- Generic Swap
Karl Heuer
- To beep or not to beep.
Karl Heuer
- bit fields
Karl Heuer
- How do I make my program beep.
Karl Heuer
- Generic Swap
Karl Heuer
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
Karl Heuer
- bcopy and bzero on AT&T sysV
Karl Heuer
- Strange multiplication ?
Karl Heuer
- Explicit cast of NULL (was Re: Short-circuiting conditions)
Karl Heuer
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Karl Heuer
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Karl Heuer
- need better MSC5.1 malloc() UPDATE
Cliff C Heyer
- C heap garbage collection
Cliff C Heyer
- How to USE a byte offset. (Was: How to get a byte offset)
D. Richard Hipp
- ANSI C grammar
Mark Hjelm
- Assigning an address to an integer
Dion Hollenbeck
- Microsoft C,printf(), ansi,sys
Roger House
- C tutorial
Alfred Hovdestad
- Computer virus detection project - Mac source code requested
William H Hsu
- File transfer protocols and data compression source code/algorithms sought
William H Hsu
- bcopy and bzero on AT&T sysV
Joe Huffman
- need better MSC5.1 malloc() UPDATE
- Microsoft C 6.0 BAD code generation
Gary Jackoway
- Wanted an advanced C manual.
Asim Jalis
- Assigning an address to an integer
Christopher T. Jewell
- Deleting a file in a C program
Gene Johannsen
- Using Turbo C with libraries compiled with Microsoft C
Bret Johnson
- What is correct Ansi way of passing pointers to structures
Larry Jones
- redirecting output
Larry Jones
- Functions returning structures
Larry M. Jordan
- portability/maintenance
Andrew Cseko Jr.
- High fidelity in C
Terho Kaikuranta
- function "prratio()" in sources to BSD compress
Jonathan I. Kamens
- porting C programs from UNIX to VMS
David Kassover
- boolean
Kaleb Keithley
- bitmask lookup table creation
Kaleb Keithley
- bitmask lookup table creation
Kaleb Keithley
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Kaleb Keithley
- Notes In Writing Portable Programs In C
David Keppel
- C style and portability guides
David Keppel
- C style and portability guides
David Keppel
- Lex and initial start conditions
Norbert Kiesel
- BASIC to C translator program
Jeffrey Kirk
- Assigning an address to an integer
Bruce Kitchin
- wanted: converter for fcn declarators
Dan KoGai
- How do I make my program beep.
Dan KoGai
- UNIX command line arguments
Dan KoGai
- passing variable arguments
Dan KoGai
- How do I make my program beep.
Dan KoGai
- Generic Swap
Dan KoGai
- Proof that Prolog can be faster than C
Dan KoGai
- A Faster Language? (Was Re: Prolog is "faster" than C)
Dan KoGai
- Concurrent assingment (Was No swap needed.....)
Dan KoGai
- integer to string function (itoa())
Dan KoGai
- Return Graph varies from Call Graph?
Andrew Koenig
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Andrew Koenig
- Entry as a reserved word
Jay A. Konigsberg
- How do I make my program beep.
Jay A. Konigsberg
- postnews/inews
Jay A. Konigsberg
- C tutorial
Brian Koontz
- porting C programs from UNIX to VMS
Wally Kramer
- Routine to convert between IEEE and VAX floating point ?
Wally Kramer
- What is correct Ansi way of passing pointers to structures
Frank [Who me?] Kuan
- C obfuscator
Tim Kuehn
- how do I exec() a script
Wolfgang G. Kuehnel
- ?- The number of variable arguments to a function??
Edouard Lagache
- Generic Swap
Bryon Lape
- Generic swap - comments and questions
Bryon Lape
- No swap needed.....
Bryon Lape
- Concurrent assingment (Was No swap needed.....)
Bryon Lape
- Sets in C (like Pascal) **source included**
Bryon Lape
- Source for extensible hashing needed
Shein-Fong Law
- Disabling file name expansion (was Re: UNIX command line arguments)
Michael "Krill-Man" Lee
- Protoize/Unprotoize (was: ANSI C to K&R syntax converter)
Ken Lerman
- #pragma macro
Ken Lerman
- Call for Papers
Chuck Lins
- ## question on memory allocation for char strings ##
Siping Liu
- C obfuscator
David Loewenstern
- (PD) C obfuscator/shrouder
David Loewenstern
- portability/maintenance
James L. Logan
- portability standards
Scott Luebking
- f2c documentation
Mark Maimone
- Looking for [Subset of C] compiler code
S Manoharan
- f2c - where to get it?
Tony R. Marasco
- Can lint help an ANSI-C programmer?
Barry Margolin
- Turbo C help needed
Sidney Markowitz
- UNIX command line arguments
Edward M. Markowski
- passing variable arguments
Edward M. Markowski
- MS C 6.0 LINK: how to suppress the Definitions File prompt?
William C. Marsh
- BASIC to C translator program
Glenn M. Mason
- prototype my function, please
Lars Henrik Mathiesen
- passing variable arguments
Tim McDaniel
- prototype my function, please
Tim McDaniel
- ## question on memory allocation for char strings ##
Tim McDaniel
- Sets in C (like Pascal) **source included**
Tim McDaniel
- memmove
Doug McDonald
- memmove
Doug McDonald
- Functions returning structures
Jim McElroy
- Turbo C help needed
Alan McKay
- portability/maintenance
Mike McNelly
- passing variable arguments
Floyd McWilliams
- Entry as a reserved word
Floyd McWilliams
- bcopy and bzero on AT&T sysV
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Michael Meissner
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Michael Meissner
- How do I make my program beep.
Michael Meissner
- enum handling by cc under ultrix V2 wrong?
Michael Meissner
- porting C programs from UNIX to VMS
Todd Merriman
- ## question on memory allocation for char strings ##
Roger Meunier
- typedef-ing an array
Roger Meunier
- C tutorial
Jim Miller
- To beep or not to beep.
Jim Miller
- Proof that Prolog can be faster than C
Jonathan Mills
- Protoize/Unprotoize (was: ANSI C to K&R syntax converter)
Martin Minow
- Reading bar codes in C
John Mundt
- ipc...
John Mundt
- MSC 5.1 + C-Worthy + 8087 = (**BOOM!**)
Richard Murnane
- vgrind/igrind
Tom Murphy
- Source for extensible hashing needed
Pankaj Narayan
- Doubly Linked Lists
Pankaj Narayan
- Cobol to C
- C official DOD langauge?
Charles Noren
- C official DOD langauge?
Charles Noren
- C vs. FORTRAN (was C official DOD langauge?)
Charles Noren
- Favorite hashing algorithms
Charles Noren
- How to read in file size
Christopher North-Keys
- ANSI C and C++
James L. Novak
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
Paul Nulsen
- free (NULL)
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Can lint help an ANSI-C programmer?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- How do I make my program beep.
Richard A. O'Keefe
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- first-year programming language
Richard A. O'Keefe
- How do I get the address of the current function?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- enum handling by cc under ultrix V2 wrong?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Tony Olekshy
- how do I exec() a script
Mike Oliver
- Can lint help an ANSI-C programmer?
Arthur David Olson
- portability/maintenance
Robert A. Osborne
- MS C 6.0 LINK: how to suppress the Definitions File prompt?
Colonel Panic
- Dr. Dobbs Multitasking Kernal -- HELP!
Albert Papp
- QIO read with timeout
Todd Pierzina
- B-Trees in C Data Structures -help-
Ronald Pikkert
- Need a faster replacement for fscanf()
Jim A. Pisano
- Lex and initial start conditions
Esmond Pitt
- passing variable arguments
Daniel E. Platt
- ANSI C and C++
Daniel E. Platt
- ANSI C to K&R syntax converter
Claude Pommerell
- POP-11 is 8 times faster than C?
Robin Popplestone
- MSC 6.0 malloc question
Kevin D. Quitt
- MS C 6.0 LINK: how to suppress the Definitions File prompt?
Kevin D. Quitt
- Proof that Prolog can be faster than C
Kevin D. Quitt
- How do I prototype this?
Kevin D. Quitt
- Initializing bit fields
Kevin D. Quitt
- A cluster/scedule program needed
Wallagh Serge R
- gcc/cc difference
Roland Rambau
- A draft of the revised JARGON FILE has been posted.
Eric S. Raymond
- Return Graph varies from Call Graph?
Dr Richard J. Reid
- Return Graph varies from Call Graph?
Dr Richard J. Reid
- MS C 6.0 LINK: how to suppress the Definitions File prompt?
David Relson
- Dr. Dobbs Multitasking Kernal -- HELP!
David Relson
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
Dennis Reso
- bug me now / bug me later
Wade Richards
- Tip Concerning Massive COFF Comment Sections
Rick Richardson
- free (NULL)
Boyd Roberts
- free (NULL)
Boyd Roberts
- free (NULL)
Boyd Roberts
- free (NULL)
Boyd Roberts
- Code for spheroidal wave functions
Frank Robijn
- File handling speend question
Alan J Rosenthal
- passing variable arguments
Alan J Rosenthal
- gcc and g++ for PC-DOS
Henry A. Rowley
- Proof that Prolog can be faster than C
Peter Van Roy
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Rich Salz
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Rich Salz
- Bit map algorithms needed
Rich Salz
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Chip Salzenberg
- bug me now / bug me later
Charles H. Sampson
- Suggestions for screen forms on PC
Pat Scandalis
- passing variable arguments
Olaf Schlueter
- Need widget to break C source files into component functions
Peter Schmidt
- #pragma
Chris Schoeneman
- Lex and initial start conditions
Randal Schwartz
- Bogus! (was Re: Proof that Prolog can be faster than C)
Randal Schwartz
- (none)
Edward A. Semeniuk
- Microsoft C 6.0 BAD code generation
Michael A. Shiels
- C tutorial
Ray Shwake
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Paul Sidnell
- Function returning Structure: How does it work?
Howard Siegel
- free (NULL)
Peter da Silva
- free (NULL)
Peter da Silva
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Peter da Silva
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Peter da Silva
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Peter da Silva
- free (NULL)
Peter da Silva
- How do I make my program beep.
Peter da Silva
- To beep or not to beep.
Peter da Silva
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Peter da Silva
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Peter da Silva
- Explicit cast of NULL (was Re: Short-circuiting conditions)
Peter da Silva
- Strange multiplication ?
Fridrik Skulason
- How do I make my program beep.
P E Smee
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
P E Smee
- To beep or not to beep.
P E Smee
- Some embarassingly easy questions...
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Henry Spencer
- freestanding implementations
Henry Spencer
- Assigning an address to an integer
Henry Spencer
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
Henry Spencer
- Explicit cast of NULL (was Re: Short-circuiting conditions)
Henry Spencer
- #pragma macro
Henry Spencer
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Henry Spencer
- Why must setjmp be a macro?
Henry Spencer
- redirecting output
Henry Spencer
- Routine to convert between IEEE and VAX floating point ?
Craig Statchuk
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Alexander Stockdale
- QIO read with timeout
Alexander Stockdale
- Using RCS and make
Adam Stoller
- How to read in file size
Adam Stoller
- Prototyping in an imperfect world....
Adam Stoller
- bsearch routine in c
Brian Sullivan
- Changes to Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on comp.lang.c
Steve Summit
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on comp.lang.c
Steve Summit
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on comp.lang.c (Abridged)
Steve Summit
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on comp.lang.c
Steve Summit
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on comp.lang.c
Steve Summit
- offsetof: definition & use (was: Double typecast in "offset" macro???, How to USE a byte offset.)
Steve Summit
- Need help w/unbuff'd input.
Steve Summit
- passing variable arguments
Steve Summit
- Initializing bit fields
Erik Talvola
- Sets in C (like Pascal) **source included**
Graham Toal
- Proof that Prolog can be faster than C
Richard Tobin
- Using RCS and make
Michael R Tucker
- UNIX command line arguments
Dave Turner
- C official DOD langauge?
Christopher R Volpe
- Double typecast in "offset" macro???
Christopher R Volpe
- A Faster Language? (Was Re: Prolog is "faster" than C)
m100-2ai at WEB.berkeley.edu
- Sets in C (like Pascal)
Rhys Weatherley
- Why must setjmp be a macro?
Neal Weidenhofer
- Using filters within C code - example
Charles Weir
- Some more hints for Lex (was Re: Lex and initial start conditions)
Martin Weitzel
- Lex man page flame (was Re: Lex and initial start conditions)
Martin Weitzel
- C obfuscator (Obfuscator code attached)
Martin Weitzel
- free (NULL)
Martin Weitzel
- UNIX command line arguments
Martin Weitzel
- Disabling file name expansion (was Re: UNIX command line arguments)
Martin Weitzel
- Zero origin for array subscripts (was Re: C official DOD language?)
Martin Weitzel
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
Martin Weitzel
- ANSI C book
Martin Weitzel
- Explicit cast of NULL (was Re: Short-circuiting conditions)
Martin Weitzel
- m4 as macro processor (was Re: #pragma macro)
Martin Weitzel
- how do I exec() a script
Martin Weitzel
- Generic Swap
Peter Adams Whipple
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
David E A Wilson
- typedef enum as subset of another enum
John Winans
- Chopping a file
Ron Winograd
- To beep or not to beep.
Dik T. Winter
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Dik T. Winter
- how do I exec() a script
Leo de Wit
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variablesREAD/NEW
Leo de Wit
- How to stop lint complaining about malloc()
David Wolverton
- Inherent imprecision of floating point variables
Tim Writer
- How do I get the address of the current function?
Tim Writer
- ## question on memory allocation for char strings ##
Tim Writer
- typedef-ing an array
Tim Writer
- How do I get the address of the current function?
Tim Writer
- Source for extensible hashing needed
Ozan Yigit
- C code for FFT
Joseph Yip
- C code for FFT (1)
Joseph Yip
- C code for FFT (2)
Joseph Yip
- extern
- Generic Swap
Benjamin Zhu
- typedef enum as subset of another enum
Benjamin Zhu
- wanted: converter for fcn declarators
Mark Zimmermann
- Can lint help an ANSI-C programmer?
- Bivariate Interpolation
fflak at acad3.fai.alaska.edu
- BASIC to C translator program
SINDATA Network administrator
- bitmask lookup table creation
- Unix COMPRESS.C on VAX/VMS - help!
Gumley_E at cc.curtin.edu.au
- #pragma
v8902477 at cc.nu.oz
- Doubly Linked Lists
RCAPENER at cc.utah.edu
- Timings for tak
pop at cs.umass.edu
- Exception handling in C?
williams at cs.umass.edu
- Ternary Operator: (cond ? const_str : nonconst_str) legal?
diamond at tkovoa
- How do I get the address of the current function?
diamond at tkovoa
- typedef enum as subset of another enum
diamond at tkovoa
- Bit map algorithms needed
simon ewins
- How do I make my program beep.
simon ewins
- bit fields
Daniel_Roedding at fiction.uucp
- A Faster Language? (Was Re: Prolog is "faster" than C)
michael k finegan
- porting C programs from UNIX to VMS
phd_ivo at gsbacd.uchicago.edu
- C official DOD langauge?
math1i7 at jetson.uh.edu
- How can I de-escape my strings at run time?
math1i7 at jetson.uh.edu
- bsearch routine in c
- bug me now / bug me later
brnstnd at kramden.acf.nyu.edu
- Here there be Turbo C++
jeff lewis
- integer to string function (itoa())
carroll at m.cs.uiuc.edu
- VMS Specific question about binary reads using fgetc
bagpiper at mcosm.uucp
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
r91400 at memqa.uucp
- New product: C Portability Verifier
karish at mindcrf.UUCP
- Reading bar codes in C
k nuttgens
- Proof that Prolog can be faster than C
vanroy at pisces.uucp
- How many elements are in my arrays?
cspw quagga
- C official DOD language?
cspw quagga
- Can lint help an ANSI-C programmer?
e89hse at rigel.efd.lth.se
- Pascal (was Re: for(;;) vs. while(1) is a draw)
e89hse at rigel.efd.lth.se
- prototype my function, please
e89hse at rigel.efd.lth.se
- ANSI C testing ??
- Tip Concerning Massive COFF Comment Sections
s m ryan
- C tutorial
rex at sis.uucp
- boolean
cepek at spanky.mgi.com
- int8, etc. (was Re: boolean)
cepek at spanky.mgi.com
- free (NULL)
brnstnd at stealth.acf.nyu.edu
- casting to/from union types
brnstnd at stealth.acf.nyu.edu
- free (NULL)
brnstnd at stealth.acf.nyu.edu
- C official DOD langauge?
brnstnd at stealth.acf.nyu.edu
- C official DOD langauge?
brnstnd at stealth.acf.nyu.edu
- Grammar for C++
paul a. steckler
- How do I make my program beep.
News system
- byte order and bit order
rick at tmiuv0.uucp
- XXX -> C
rdw2030 at venus.tamu.edu
- Prototypes
rdw2030 at venus.tamu.edu
- Unnamed bitfield (the story!)
rdw2030 at venus.tamu.edu
- !?!? FOO???
- YACCable C and C++ grammars; Flex scanner; yacc debugging tool
Jim Roskind x5570
- extern char *foo vs. extern char foo[]
Ralph J. Winslow x7774
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 23:55:54 AEST 1990
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:33:30 AEST 2016
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