int8, etc. (was Re: boolean)

cepek at cepek at
Wed Jun 6 07:29:49 AEST 1990

In article <16784 at>, karl at
(Karl Heuer) writes:
> The very existence of a typedef named `int8' is questionable.  (Yes,
> I know the reason.)  

Since we both seem to understand reasons why "int8" would come into existence,
perhaps we could discuss why it shouldn't.

                  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I'm not trying to start a war here.  I've only been using C for 4 years
(programming for 12).  I'm all for learning new methods and discussing
alternative approaches; in fact I enjoy it.

|  Michael Cepek                               "Engage."                 |
|  Programmer/Analyst                                                    |
|                                       Internet:  Cepek at MGI.COM         |
|  Management Graphics, Inc.               Voice:  +1 612/851-6112       |
|  1401 East 79th Street                Operator:  +1 612/854-1220       |
|  Minneapolis, MN  55425  USA               Fax:  +1 612/854-6913       |

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