porting C programs from UNIX to VMS

phd_ivo at gsbacd.uchicago.edu phd_ivo at gsbacd.uchicago.edu
Fri Jun 1 03:20:17 AEST 1990

>Rule No. 1:  don't bother trying to get VMS Curses to work like Berkely
>Curses.  I just ain't going to happen.

Rule No. 2: never trust the library routines.

Rule No. 3: in particular, never trust the stdio libraries. The weird
character I/O schemes on VMS wreak all kind of havoc. (Also, I found a
bug in qsort() once!)

Hint No. 1: the debugger---although generally quite nice---can't restart
a program :-(

/ivo welch	ivo at next.agsm.ucla.edu

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