Some embarassingly easy questions...

Somasama fischer at
Tue Jun 5 06:25:46 AEST 1990

   Hi! Because of lack of time, I am asking some embarassingly simple
questions. Please e-mail me as this is possibly too simple.

   While reading through that classic book, "The C Programming Language" by
Kernighan and Ritchie, I came across these terms - multiprogramming,
parallel operations, synchronization, and coroutines. These were mentioned
in the introduction as constructions that C does not offer. Can anyone 
briefly define these things for me and let me know if either FORTRAN, or
MODULA-2 offers these?

   Can anyone recommend a book that is more up-to-date ( I assume 1978 is
an era before in the computer world ) ? Is there a later edition of 
Kernighan's than the old copy I have? What, if any, are the major changes
to C from the time the above book was written in 1978? Please no C++ :)

						Thanks a Cillion

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