Return Graph varies from Call Graph?

Jim Harkins jharkins at sagpd1.UUCP
Thu Jun 7 06:03:58 AEST 1990

In article <1990Jun5.142836.9821 at> reid at (Dr Richard J. Reid) writes:
>Do you have any suggestions about how to vary the
>return graph of function invocation from the call graph?

Lots of them, but this is a family newgroup :-)

>  Given the call sequence:     A -> B -> C -> D
>  Can the return sequence be:  A <- C <- B <- D  ?

I don't really see why you would want to do this.  If you did do it I think
that, once maintanance is factored in, you're much better off coming up with a
better algorithm for what you're trying to do.

A slightly more palatable thing to do would be to change the return sequence
to A <- B <- D (using your call sequence).  Then all you do is figure out how
many doo hickeys get put onto the stack when your C compiler does a function
call (can you say 'implementation dependent'.  I knew you could), then write
some in-line assembly to adjust the stack pointer.  Me?  If I ended up
maintaining code that did this sort of thing I'd look for a bucket of tar and
some feathers.

jim		jharkins at sagpd1

I hate to see you go, but I love to see you walk away.

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