Entry as a reserved word

M Gordon mfg at castle.ed.ac.uk
Thu Jun 7 17:58:56 AEST 1990

Most compilers I have used have entry as a reserved word but I've never been
able to find anywhere that tells me what it's for. My guess would be it was
supposed to be used to mark a function as the entry point for the program
	entry foo()

Was entry used in very early compilers or was it just an idea that has never
been taken up?

							 _   _   _    _   _	
Michael Gordon - mfg at castle.ed.ac.uk OR ee.ed.ac.uk	| |_| |_| |__| |_| |   
							| . . . .      . . |    
I spilt spot remover on my dog and now he's gone! 	|_________|~~|_____|    

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