thanks for the memories

Wayne Wood woody at eos.UUCP
Sun Mar 11 11:03:11 AEST 1990

okay, heres two questions.

1]  how can i access memory outside of the current program CS at run time?
    i have a data array that exceeds 64K so i need to be able to manipulate
    memory on my own.  
    system : COMPAQ 386/25
    memory : 5 meg.
    vga card in 640x480 mode.

2] this ties in with question #1... how can i reliably READ the video memory
   on a VGA?  i have no trouble writing to it directly, but i need to
   read from it directly.  the problem is one of speed.

any pointers on this problem in C, assembler or pascal would be appreciated.
i'm using borland products for all three languages.

/***   woody   ****************************************************************
*** ...tongue tied and twisted, just an earth bound misfit, I...            ***
*** -- David Gilmour, Pink Floyd                                            ***
****** woody at *** my opinions, like my mind, are my own ******/

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