B-Trees in C Data Structures -help-

Notesfiles System notes at hpislx.HP.COM
Wed May 30 02:41:51 AEST 1990

Is there anyone who would be willing to give insight on B-tree data
structures?  I have a B-tree program that works up to the first split
but when it needs to split again it goes into a recursive loop.  I've
looked and looked at the code and it seems ok logically???Stumped???

I am taking data 4444 with index 4 as input up to 1000 records.

Here is the code:  have fun ;-)  and thanks for any inputs on this-

btw I am running this on an HP9000 7.0 unix without the ansi compiler-

		Laurie Schaaf
		Hewlett Packard

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/* driver.c...
	Driver for btree tests:
		Opens or creates btree file.
		Gets next key and calls insert to insert key in tree.
		If necessary, creates a new root.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bt.h"
#include "fileio.h"

short getroot();
short create_tree();

	int promoted;		/* boolean: tells of promotion from below */
	short root;		/* RRN of root page                       */
	short promo_rrn;    	/* RRN promoted from below                */
	int promo_key;		/* key promoted from below                */
	int promo_recnum;       /* record number promoted from below      */
	int key;		/* next key to insert in tree             */
	int recnum;		/* record number of actual data record    */

	if (btopen())		/* try to open btree.dat and get root     */
		root = getroot();
	else			/* if btree.dat not there, create it      */
		root = create_tree();

	while (scanf("%d",&key)) {
			promoted = insert(root, key, recnum, &promo_rrn, 
					  &promo_key, &promo_recnum);
			if (promoted) {
				root = create_root(promo_key, promo_recnum,
						   root, promo_rrn);
	} /* end while */
} /* end driver.c */

/* insert.c...
	Contains insert() -- function to insert a key into a B-tree
	Calls itself recursively until bottom of tree is reached.
	Then inserts key in node.
	If node is out of room,
		-calls split() to split node
		-promotes middle key and RRN of new node

insert(rrn, key, recnum, promo_r_child, promo_key, promo_recnum)
short rrn;			/* RRN of page to make insertion in */
short *promo_r_child;		/* child promoted up to next level  */
int key;			/* key inserted here or lower       */
int recnum;			/* recnum inserted here or lower    */
int *promo_key;		        /* key promoted to next level       */
int *promo_recnum;	        /* recnum promoted to next level    */
	BTPAGE page;		/* current page                     */
	BTPAGE newpage;		/* new page if split occurs         */
	int found, promoted;	/* boolean values                   */
	short pos;
	short p_b_rrn;		/* RRN promoted from below          */
	int p_b_key;		/* key promoted from below          */
	int p_b_recnum;		/* recnum promoted from below       */

	printf("Key is %d\n",key);
	printf("Recnum is %d\n",recnum);

	if (rrn == NIL) {	/* past bottom of tree...promote    */
	    *promo_key = key;   /* original key so that it will be  */
	    *promo_r_child = NIL; /* inserted at leaf level         */
	    *promo_recnum = recnum; 
	btread(rrn, &page);
	found = search_node(key, &page, &pos);
	if (found) {
		printf("Error - attempt to insert duplicate key: %c \n",key);
	promoted = insert(page.child[pos], key, recnum, 
			  &p_b_rrn, &p_b_key, &p_b_recnum);
	if (!promoted)
		return(NO);	/* no promotion */
	if (page.keycount < MAXKEYS) {
		ins_in_page(p_b_key, p_b_recnum, 
			    p_b_rrn, &page); /* insert key and recnum */
		btwrite(rrn, &page);                  /* and pointer */
		return(NO);     /* no promotion */
	else {
		split(p_b_key, p_b_recnum, p_b_rrn, &page, promo_key, 
			promo_recnum, promo_r_child, &newpage);
		btwrite(rrn, &page);
		btwrite(*promo_r_child, &newpage);
		return(YES);    /* promotion */

/* btio.c...
	Contains B-tree functions that directly involve file i/o:

	btopen() -- open file "btree.dat" to hold the btree
	btclose() -- close "btree.dat"
	getroot() -- get rrn of rot node from first two bytes of btree.dat
	putroot() -- put rrn of root node in first two bytes of btree.dat
	create_tree() -- create "btree.dat" and root node
	getpage() -- get next available block in "btree.dat" for new page
	btread() -- read page number RRN from "btree.dat"
	btwrite() -- write page number RRN to "btree.dat"

int btfd;	/* global file descriptor for "btree.dat" */

	btfd = open("btree.dat", READWRITE);
	return(btfd > 0);


short getroot()
	short root;
	long lseek();

	lseek(btfd, 0L, 0);
	if (read(btfd, &root, 2) == 0) {
		printf("Error: Unable to get root.\n");

short root;
	long lseek();

	lseek(btfd, 0L, 0);
	write(btfd, &root, 2);

short create_tree()
	int key;
	int recnum;

	btfd = creat("btree.dat",PMODE);
	close(btfd);		/* Have to close and reopen to ensure */
	btopen();		/* r/w access on many systems         */
	key = NIL;		/* insert bogus key to initialize index */
	recnum = NIL;		/* insert bogus key to initialize index */
	return(create_root(key, recnum, NIL, NIL));

short getpage()
	long lseek(), addr;
	addr = lseek(btfd, 0L, 2) - 2L;
	return((short) addr / PAGESIZE);

btread(rrn, page_ptr)
short rrn;
BTPAGE *page_ptr;
	long lseek(), addr;

	addr = (long)rrn * (long)PAGESIZE + 2L;
	lseek(btfd, addr, 0);
	return(read(btfd, page_ptr, PAGESIZE));

btwrite(rrn, page_ptr)
short rrn;
BTPAGE *page_ptr;
	long lseek(), addr;
	addr = (long) rrn * (long) PAGESIZE + 2L;
	lseek(btfd, addr, 0);
	return(write(btfd, page_ptr, PAGESIZE));

/* btutil.c...
	Contains utility functions for btree program:

	create_root() -- get and initialize root node and insert one key
	pageinit() -- put NOKEY in all "key" slots and NIL in "child" slots
	search_node() -- return YES if key in node, else NO,  In either case
			 put key's correct position in pos.
	ins_in_page() -- insert key and right child in page
	split() -- split node by creating new node and moving half of keys to 
		   new node.  Promote middle key and RRN of new node.

create_root(key, recnum, left, right)
int key;
int recnum;
short left, right;
	BTPAGE page;
	short rrn;
	rrn = getpage();
	page.key[0] = key;
	page.recnum[0] = recnum;
	page.child[0] = left;
	page.child[1] = right;
	page.keycount = 1;
	btwrite(rrn, &page);

BTPAGE *p_page;		/* p_page: pointer to a page */
	int j;
	for (j = 0; j < MAXKEYS; j++) {
		p_page->key[j] = NOKEY;
		p_page->recnum[j] = NOKEY;
	 	p_page->child[j] = NIL;
	p_page->child[MAXKEYS] = NIL;

search_node(key, p_page, pos)
int key;
BTPAGE *p_page;
short *pos;		/* position where key is or should be inserted */
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < p_page->keycount && key > p_page->key[i]; i++);
	*pos = i;
	if (*pos < p_page->keycount && key == p_page->key[*pos])
		return(YES);	/* key is in page */
		return(NO);	/* key is not in page */

ins_in_page(key, recnum, r_child, p_page)
int key;
int recnum;
short r_child;
BTPAGE *p_page;
	int i;

	for (i = p_page->keycount; key < p_page->key[i-1] && i > 0; i--) {
		p_page->key[i] = p_page->key[i-1];
		p_page->recnum[i] = p_page->recnum[i-1];
		p_page->child[i+1] = p_page->child[i];
	p_page->key[i] = key;
	p_page->recnum[i] = recnum;
	p_page->child[i+1] = r_child;

split(key, recnum, r_child, p_oldpage, promo_key, promo_recnum, 
	promo_r_child, p_newpage)
int key;		/* key to be inserted                   */
int recnum;		/* recnum to be inserted                */
int *promo_key;	        /* key to be promoted up from here      */
int *promo_recnum;	/* recnum to be promoted up from here   */
short r_child;		/* child RRN to be inserted             */
short *promo_r_child;	/* RRN to be promoted up from here      */
BTPAGE *p_oldpage;	/* pointer to old page                  */
BTPAGE *p_newpage;	/* pointer to new page                  */
	int i;
	short mid;	/* tells where split is to occur        */
	int workkeys[MAXKEYS+1];   /* temp. holds keys before split */
	int workrecnum[MAXKEYS+1]; /* temp. holds recnums before split */
	short workch[MAXKEYS+2];   /* temp. holds childs before split */

	for (i = 0; i < MAXKEYS; i++) {  /* move keys and children */
		workkeys[i] = p_oldpage->key[i];  /* old page into work array*/
		workrecnum[i] = p_oldpage->recnum[i];/*   "    "    "     "  */
		workch[i] = p_oldpage->child[i];
	workch[i] = p_oldpage->child[i];
	for (i = MAXKEYS; key < workkeys[i-1] && i > 0; i--) { 
		 /* insert new key */
		workkeys[i] = workkeys[i-1];
		 /* insert new recnum */
		workrecnum[i] = workrecnum[i-1];
		workch[i+1] = workch[i];
	workkeys[i] = key;
	workrecnum[i] = recnum;
	workch[i+1] = r_child;

	*promo_r_child = getpage();	/* create new page for split */
	pageinit(p_newpage);		/* promote RRN of new page   */

	for (i = 0; i < MINKEYS; i++) { /* move first half of keys   */
		p_oldpage->key[i] = workkeys[i]; /* childs to old page */
		p_oldpage->recnum[i] = workrecnum[i]; /* childs to old page */
		p_oldpage->child[i] = workch[i]; /* half to new page   */
		p_newpage->key[i] = workkeys[i+1+MINKEYS];
		p_newpage->recnum[i] = workrecnum[i+1+MINKEYS];
		p_newpage->child[i] = workch[i+1+MINKEYS];
		p_oldpage->key[i+MINKEYS] = NOKEY; /* mark second half of old*/
		p_oldpage->recnum[i+MINKEYS] = NOKEY;/*mark second half of old*/
		p_oldpage->child[i+1+MINKEYS] = NIL; /*mark second half of old*/

	p_oldpage->child[MINKEYS] = workch[MINKEYS];
	p_newpage->child[MINKEYS] = workch[i+1+MINKEYS];
	p_newpage->keycount = MAXKEYS - MINKEYS;
	p_oldpage->keycount = MINKEYS;

	*promo_key = workkeys[MINKEYS];		/* promote middle key */
	*promo_recnum = workrecnum[MINKEYS];	/* promote middle key */
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/* header file for B-tree programs */

#define MAXKEYS 4
#define NIL (-1)
#define NOKEY (-1) 
#define YES 1
#define NO 0

typedef struct {
		short keycount;
		int key[MAXKEYS];
		short child[MAXKEYS+1];
		long recnum[MAXKEYS];	
	       } BTPAGE;

#define PAGESIZE sizeof(BTPAGE)
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	fileio.h --- header file containing file I/O definitions

#define PMODE	0755
#define READONLY 0
#define WRITEONLY 1
#define READWRITE 2
#define MAX_REC_SIZE 512
#define DELIM_CHR '|'
#define DELIM_STR "|"
#define REC_LGTH 57
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