Turbo C 2.0 And Turbo C++ Library Compatibility?

Jerry Adair adair at evax.arl.utexas.edu
Fri Oct 19 01:00:12 AEST 1990

I have a question about Turbo C 2.0 and Turbo C++.  We have recently 
bought a package of software called "Express" for developing code for
transputers.  Included in the package was a Turbo C 2.0 Library file for
interfacing host and node processes.  However, I thought to try to
compile a host program under Turbo C++ and simply link in the library.
When I did this, the program crashed and burned.  It would appear that
Turbo C 2.0 and Turbo C++ librarys are not compatible.

Has anyone out there tried to convert library files and/or object code from 
2.0 to C++.
Is it impossible altogether? ( Is it impossible? :-)  

Please Post or Email...

I am eternally endebted...

Robert Duff ( sitting in for Jerry Adair )
rduff at arrisun3.arl.utexas.edu

I am cross posting this message to comp.lang.c and comp.lang.c++

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