Borland C++
John Doug Smith
jodsmith at
Mon May 6 11:42:02 AEST 1991
Well for those of you who have been keeping up with the Borland C++
problem I have been having with the distribution disks, I just got the 3rd
set. Yes thats right the 3rd set, and they were great until the 8th disk.
The 8th disk has at least 3 "unrecoverable read errors" in at least 3
seperate locations. So yes, I will be calling Borland again Monday mornning
to see about ordering new disks. I asked Borland about combining both sets of
disks, in hopes of making 1 good set, they told me not to do that, they said
they will mail me new disks. This is getting old. What follows is a breif
summary of what problems have been:
1st set of disks disk #9 "data error reading drive a:"
this happened when I tried to look at the directory.
it turns out the whol disk has bad sectors all over.
2nd set of disks disk #1 "unrecoverable read error on
drive a: "
this happened at side 0 track 0 and side 0 track 1.
3rd set of disks disk #8 "unrecoverable read error on
drive a:"
this happened at side 1 tracks 75,78,79.
The dirve (an IBM 720K 3.5") has been test and cleaned it seems to
work fine with every thing else. Even some of my more disk intensive programs.
I have followed the installation process to the 'letter' according to the
instructions on page 11 of the "Getting Started" booklet, "For example,
you'll need the DISKCOPY command to make backup copies of your distribution
disks. Make a complete working copy of your distribution disks when you
reveive them, ...". I have also tried to copy them several other ways and
have came up with the same results. All the errors shown above are
reproducable and the procedures have been tried on different machines with the
same results. When I call monday morning I will ordering a forth set of disks
this is getting out of hand. As I stated before this would have been quite
bad if I were using this for a semester project. I must say though Borland
has been more than cooperative in replacement of disks.
I am searching for possible reasons for all these problems. I would
appreciate any comments or ideas. Please E-mail. I hear that the Borland C++
has been a very good product since its release, and I am very
anxious to get working with it.
"This?!? This is yet another in a long series of diversions to avoid
responsibility." --Kris Knight--
jodsmith at
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