May 1991 Archives by date
Starting: Wed May 1 00:02:17 AEST 1991
Ending: Fri May 31 23:18:19 AEST 1991
Messages: 870
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
William M Miller
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Doug Gwyn
- Pascal To C language converter..
Timo Salmi
- C common practice. (was: low level optimization)
Michael Meissner
- Browsers??
ACPS2924 at Ryerson.Ca
- Need help with quoting and the CPP
Paul Stachour
- BNF description
fabio at
Doug Gwyn
- missing ->= operator
Jonathan W Miner
- Porting from IBM to Apple
Dan Stegner
- IMSL C/Base/library
Robert Daugherty
- Looking for a gaussian elimination C program with full pivoting
Willis A. Kim
- C++ for AT&T SVR4 386
Nigel Harwood
- missing ->= operator
Eize Oosting
- missing ->= operator
Henry Spencer
- Num. Recipes matrix inversion chokes on this singular matrix
Ajay Shah
- Greenhills C
Ray Barbieri
- ANSI C/gcc1.39 question on Sys Vr4
Bill Hatch
- An array in a structure Or an Array Of Structures
Jill Patterson
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- low level optimization
Richard A. O'Keefe
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Peter Richardson - NSSS
- An array in a structure Or an Array Of Structures
Chip Yamasaki
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Blair P. Houghton
- missing ->= operator
Blair P. Houghton
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Dan Weinreb
- Changes to Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on comp.lang.c
Steve Summit
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on comp.lang.c
Steve Summit
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on comp.lang.c (Abridged)
Steve Summit
- UNIX commands in C
Ronald Hayden
- Simple question.
Ronald Hayden
- Extension to solution given to a novice
John A. Weeks III
- How to execute 'sz' and 'rc' ?
Leslie Mikesell
- C compiler for 386 or 486
mr w.j. ho
- flushing input buffer
house ron
- tracking problems
Greg Jensen - UCI - 5-3531
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Jerry Gitomer
- setjmp()/longjmp() help
Agostino Deligia
- UNIX commands in C
Robert Earl
- low level optimization
Jim Giles
- missing ->= operator
Clary Jeffrey Scott
- Greenhills C
Henry Spencer
- Simple question.
Henry Spencer
- Simple question.
Roy Johnson
- Deleting with "fwrite()"
Gary Thurman
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Buster Irby
- low level optimization
Doug Gwyn
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Doug Gwyn
- missing ->= operator
Doug Gwyn
- low level optimization
Craig Burley
- IMSL Libraries
Fred L. Ogden
- Overwriting (was Deleting) with "fwrite()"
John F. Woods
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Dave Scidmore
- [REQUEST] Need help catching SIGCHLD
Marc Ries
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Dave Scidmore
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
John R. MacMillan
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- Simple question.
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
John R. MacMillan
- low level optimization
Jim Giles
- Simple question.
Steve Summit
- The irregularity of the ?: operator
Doug Gwyn
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
John F Carr
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Henry Spencer
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
- low level optimization
Clive Feather
- tracking problems
Dan Bernstein
- UNIX commands in C
Michael Stefanik
- TSRs with Microsoft C v6.00
english at
- missing ->= operator
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Curses, MS-DOS, UNIX, Turbo C
Ger R. Timmens
- Need help with quoting and the CPP
Brett Bergquist
- Graphics library!
- aliasing woes (was: low level optimization)
Alex Martelli
- Greenhills C
Alex Martelli
- Changing Keyboard Repeat Rate
Keith A. McNabb
- Bloop... frantz... gwirnd... dwink... Snedgely...
awalduck at alias.UUCP
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Stephen Clamage
- The irregularity of the ?: operator
Dale Worley
- TSRs with Microsoft C v6.00
Henry Spencer
- Regular Expression Matcher
Larry Watanabe
- varargs -> varargs mystery
Richard Ohnemus
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Walter Bright
- low level optimization
Sean Eric Fagan
- Displaying non-printable characters on a SPARC (or any other Unix system)
Robert Angelino
- Disabling Keys In Turbo Pascal/C and sensing a key pressed.
Brian N. Popkin
- Arctangent
Walter Bright
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Doug Gwyn
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Doug Gwyn
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- Displaying non-printable characters on a SPARC (or any other Unix system)
John Gordon
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
John F Carr
- low level optimization
Jim Giles
- missing ->= operator
Ugo Cei
- Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm?
David M. Onder
- Heap allocation
- FAQ list erratum
Steve Summit
- UNIX commands in C
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
- nntp sessions, TCP/IP
Michael McDaniel
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
- Borland C and _8087/matherr bugs? HELP
Gregory Shane Miller
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Simple question.
Richard A. O'Keefe
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Shankar Unni
halloran at
- Bug in TC2.0 Optimization
Nico de Vries
- Disabling Keys In Turbo Pascal/C and sensing a key pressed.
Timo Salmi
- Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm?
Dave Johnson
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Buster Irby
- 64 bit architectures and C
Kai Henningsen
- Curses, MS-DOS, UNIX, Turbo C
Ted Hoang
- arctangent thanks
Jeff Davis
- varargs -> varargs mystery
Richard Tobin
- An array in a structure Or an Array Of Structures
Joseph Nave
- Doubly Linked Lists
Russell Smithers
- User input vs program input (Re: Simple question.)
Erik Naggum
- tracking problems
Erik Naggum
- Expansion of macro arguments in ANSI cpp.
Alan Sparks
- Concurrent C/C++
Khaled Al-Dhaher
- "str*cmp()" ain't Boolean (was Re: v18i058: mush - Mail User's Shell, Part01/22)
Guy Harris
- varargs -> varargs mystery
Rahul Dhesi
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Thomas M. Breuel
- generic list routines sought
Emery Berger
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Raul Rockwell
- What does char **ch mean?
Orville R. Weyrich
- Some optimization results
Richard Harter
- UNIX commands in C
Ian Collier
- File listing for current directory under Unix?
Marek Pawlowski
- "str*cmp()" ain't Boolean (was Re: v18i058: mush - Mail User's Shell, Part01/22)
Ronald S H Khoo
- using lex with strings, not files
Will Leavitt
- What does char **ch mean?
Tom Armistead
- "str*cmp()" ain't Boolean (was Re: v18i058: mush - Mail User's Shell, Part01/22)
Bill Carpenter
- File listing for current directory under Unix?
Tom Armistead
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- Some optimization results
Richard Harter
- C code for initializing Hayes-compatibles on IBM PCs
Scott Davies
- How do you truncate a file?
Rudi Cilibrasi
- How do you truncate a file?
Henry Spencer
- Source Recommendations for Learning C
mark joseph herbster
- DOS Environment Variables
- How do you truncate a file?
Brian Fitzgerald
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
- BCD math
- WANTED : Searching algorithm for searching in a dictionary
- Bug in TC2.0 Optimization
Joe Huffman
- Borland C++
John Doug Smith
- Borland C++
Thomas Murphy
- varargs -> varargs mystery
Mark W. Schumann
- C language book recommendations
reivich1 at
- missing ->= operator
Eize Oosting
- Using debug_malloc with TC
Ajay Shah
- ATTN: C hacker who loves Awk
Ajay Shah
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Art Boyne
- Returning pointers to constant strings
Ken Weaverling
- Multithread API Usability Study
Terry Peterson
- using lex with strings, not files
Will Leavitt
- WANTED: Eigensys-Solver of Real Nonsym Matrix in C
Markus Lautenbacher
- Nested comments in VAX C -- Help!
- C language book recommendations
G Murray
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
- Simple question.
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Ken Turkowski
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Ken Turkowski
- Return value from shmat(2) is not portable ?
Ugo Cei
- Some optimization results
- using lex with strings, not files
- Turbo C 2.0 not linking printf f.p. formats
Greg Flint
- Green Hills C compiler
Ray Barbieri
- What does char **ch mean?
Lance Bledsoe
- How do you truncate a file?
Lance Bledsoe
- Garbage (collection, that is...)
Walt Leipold
- Doubly Linked Lists
Lance Bledsoe
- varargs -> varargs mystery
Doug Gwyn
- Doubly Linked Lists
Lance Bledsoe
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Doug Gwyn
- Returning pointers to constant strings
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Doug Gwyn
- What does char **ch mean?
Doug Gwyn
- DOS Environment Variables
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
John R. MacMillan
- How do you truncate a file?
Flying On A Canvas Wing
- Garbage (collection, that is...)
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Mark Brader
- Some optimization results
Dan Bernstein
- "str*cmp()" ain't Boolean (was Re: v18i058: mush - Mail User's Shell, Part01/22)
Stephen Carlson
- Nested comments in VAX C -- Help!
Brendan Kehoe
- DOS Environment Variables
Shaun Case
- Initializing arrays, an advise is needed.
Abed M. Hammoud
- What does char **ch mean?
Rob X Cowan
- SDB broken on SCO UNIX 3.2 ?
Jan-Piet Mens
- DOS Environment Variables
Rob X Cowan
- Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm?
George Tzanatos
- 64 bit architectures and C
Kai Henningsen
- 64 bit architectures and C
Kai Henningsen
The Groovy Horn Dog
- C language book recommendations
- About the variable 'I' (was Re: long names (was Readability of Ada))
Raul Rockwell
- C compilers
Dang Vu
- How do you truncate a file?
Donn Pedro
- Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm?
Steve Masticola
- Initializing arrays, an advise is needed.
Lars Wirzenius
- How to FSEEK previous line of text?
maslar at
- Nested comments in VAX C -- Help!
Sven Heinicke
- Garbage (collection, that is...)
David Chase
- Doubly Linked Lists
Anthony Lapadula
Dave Shepperd
- anyone still have the FORTRAN to C converter summary?
Tony Nardo
- File listing for current directory under Unix?
John Gordon
- C language book recommendations
John Gordon
- C compilers
John Gordon
- Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm?
Robert Davies
- Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm?
Flying On A Canvas Wing
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- Initializing arrays, an advise is needed.
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- Strange Behavior?
Peter J. Holsberg
- C language book recommendations
Ray Cardillo "Truck"
- How do you truncate a file?
Jeremy J Starcher
- C compilers
j.f.van valkenburg
- towards a faster isdigit()
Paul Eggert
- How do you truncate a file?
Brian Fitzgerald
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Dave Scidmore
- DOS Environment Variables
Rob X Cowan
- Advanced C courses on offer?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- je: 64 bit architectures and C
Kai Henningsen
- 0xFF != '\xFF' ?
Wolfram Roesler
- 64 bit architectures and C
Kai Henningsen
- "str*cmp()" ain't Boolean (was Re: v18i058: mush - Mail User's Shell, Part01/22)
Martin Weitzel
- DOS Environment Variables
- DOS Environment Variables
sherif el kassas
- Looking for a C compiler...
Mike Young
- 0xFF != '\xFF' ?
Dale Worley
- towards a faster isdigit()
Stephen Clamage
- towards a faster isdigit()
Tom Wicklund
- How to FSEEK previous line of text?
Henry Spencer
- towards a faster isdigit()
Andrew Koenig
- towards a faster isdigit()
P E Smee
- towards a faster isdigit()
Henry Spencer
- towards a faster isdigit()
Dale Worley
- C language book recommendations
Jon J Thaler
- Popularity of the BGI
Bob Zigon
- Some optimization results
Ozan Yigit
- Strange Behavior?
Shiping Zhang
- Quine-McCluskey Algorithm?
Scott Johnson
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- How to FSEEK previous line of text?
Lars Wirzenius
- Just rambling about optimization...
Derron Simon
- towards a faster isdigit()
Paul Eggert
- towards a faster isdigit()
Stephen Clamage
- need debugging tool for C on VMS
Carol Chapman
- towards a faster isdigit()
Paul Eggert
- debugging run-time Unix C programs
Erich_S_Proudfit at
- Some optimization results
Dan Bernstein
- towards a faster isdigit()
Dik T. Winter
- towards a faster isdigit()
Andy Newman
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Displaying non-printable characters on a SPARC (or any other Unix system)
Richard A. O'Keefe
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Problem using atof (probably a simple question)
Steve Huff, University of Kansas, Lawrence
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Clive Feather
- Returning pointers to constant strings
Chris Torek
- Strange Behavior?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- How to FSEEK previous line of text?
Martin Weitzel
- C compilers
David M. Onder, Secretary
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Conor O'Neill
- How do you truncate a file?
Tim Campbell
- UNIX commands in C
Kartik Subbarao
- qsort parameters
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Would like C source for an FFT program!
F0O at
- towards a faster isdigit()
Stephen Clamage
- Just rambling about optimization...
Stephen Clamage
- Quine-McCluskey Algorithm?
Michel Dagenais
- towards a faster isdigit()
Sven Heinicke
- help with a macro
Joubert Berger
- Strange Behavior?
Pete Holsberg
- FAQ for lex + yacc? (was Re: using lex with strings, not files)
Martin Weitzel
- using getopt() several times in program
Mark Harrison
- Just rambling about optimization...
Dan Bernstein
- graphics & farmalloc
Michael J. Hennebry
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Derek E. Terveer
- C language book recommendations
Igen Magyar Istvani
- File listing for current directory under Unix?
- debugging run-time Unix C programs
- towards a faster isdigit()
Dick Dunn
- How do you truncate a file?
dan debrunner
- IBM source code needed.
- C compilers
Jeremy J Starcher
- C language book recommendations
huj at
- SUMMARY: Problems with atof()
Steve Huff, University of Kansas, Lawrence
- DOS Environment Variables
Andy DeFaria
- Do you use stdarg, varargs or ya-args?
Don Libes
- Doubles & How to make them even larger..
Mike Erwin I
- TopSpeed C - reviews available?
Olaf Stoyke
- Just rambling about optimization...
Richard Harter
- Windows & C++
Stefan Eduard Van Der Bijl
- Do you use stdarg, varargs or ya-args?
Chris Torek
- C language book recommendations
Bob Folline
- File listing for current directory under Unix?
Geoff Clare
- Strange Behavior?
Shiping Zhang
- Do you use stdarg, varargs or ya-args?
Rahul Dhesi
- Do you use stdarg, varargs or ya-args?
Rahul Dhesi
- symbolic similation/abstract execution of procedural languages
Ramchandani Rajen Sham
- Do you use stdarg, varargs or ya-args?
Michael Meissner
- ATTN: C hacker who loves Awk
David Dave Auerbach
- Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm?
Luciano Lavagno
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- looking for standard C, X/OPEN | POSIX c++ header files for SunOS
kb at
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Doug Gwyn
- towards a faster isdigit()
Doug Gwyn
- 64 bit architectures and C
Doug Gwyn
- C matrix routines
William Johnston
- Just rambling about optimization...
Doug Gwyn
- Do you use stdarg, varargs or ya-args?
Doug Gwyn
- summary of historical keyword info
James Jones
- Some optimization results
Dik T. Winter
- Help! Missing header file!
George Pinder
- WANTED: English dictionary
- UNIX commands in C
Leslie Mikesell
- help with a macro
Doug Gwyn
- What is wrong with Struct?
- How to FSEEK previous line of text?
Tom Armistead
- What is wrong with Struct?
Joe English
- Just rambling about optimization...
Chris Torek
- Help
Elhoussine ELIDRISSI
- How to FSEEK previous line of text?
Lars Wirzenius
- books on USENET, etc.
Peraphon Sophatsathit
- help with a macro
Jonathan W Miner
- C language book recommendations
Andre Adler
- Arctangent.
Tony Olekshy
- C matrix routines
David M Tate
- SDB broken on SCO UNIX 3.2 ?
Dave Smythe
- C matrix routines
Anestis Toptsis
- Summary of C Compilers from INFOWORLD
Brian K. W. Hook
- help with a macro
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- summary of historical keyword info
Henry Spencer
- Windows & C++
John Gordon
- C matrix routines
Rob Carriere
- How do you truncate a file?
Doug Gwyn
- using lex with strings, not files
Garrett Wollman
- C common practice. (what it really is)
Thomas M. Breuel
- Just rambling about optimization...
Richard Harter
- C++ TurboVision! (?)
Brian K. W. Hook
- Curses
Bo Sheffield
- Simple question.
Mike Sangrey
- C compilers
cosper james kitchen
- How do you truncate a file?
John J. Rushford Jr
- Simple question.
Dave Schaumann
- FAQ for lex + yacc? (was Re: using lex with strings, not files)
Martin Weitzel
- Info Wanted on JPI Topspeed Languages
Bits_of_Magic at
- main return value
cschmidt at
- C language book recommendations
Howard Huang
- basic question
Stanislaus Pietrucha
- Casting diff structures to char*
Robert Angelino
- C compilers
Garrett Wollman
- debugging run-time Unix C programs
Howard Huang
- main return value
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Curses
Ronald S H Khoo
- main return value
Doug Gwyn
- main return value
Lars Wirzenius
- Calling Hierarchy Tool
Joeseph Lerner
- How do you truncate a file?
Lloyd Kremer
- How do you truncate a file?
Joe Porkka
- Shuffle generation
Eric S. Raymond
- Info Wanted on JPI Topspeed Languages
Thomas Murphy
- C language book recommendations
Dave Straker
- Casting diff structures to char*
Will Crowder
- ATTN: C hacker who loves Awk
Peter Franks
- small-C for mac wanted
Renzo Marcanzin
- wanted information on Symbolic simulation of procedural languages
Ramchandani Rajen Sham
- sorting doubly linked list
Doug Olson
- Power C
Todd Walk
- Variable number of arguments
David Worenklein
- Some optimization results
Dan Bernstein
- Quinn-McCluskey Algorithm?
Brian Antao
- main return value
Pat Rankin
- Simple ptr passing question
Richard Steinberger
- GKS Package.
Paulo de Souza
- structure alignment on Suns...
Peter Morreale
- doubly linked list library wanted
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- Simple ptr passing question
Will Crowder
- Shuffle generation
Douglas Michael DeCarlo
- sorting doubly linked list
Lars Wirzenius
- sorting doubly linked list
Jim Todhunter
- sorting doubly linked list
Wennie Shu
- Array initialization question
Robert Carey
- reading data from serial/parallel port(s)
David Doll
- main return value
Adrian McCarthy
- C compilers
Pete Holsberg
- C compiler for Apples
Paul Chen
- Simple ptr passing question
Jay Morrison
- Simple ptr passing question
Jay Morrison
- Question on ANSI ## pre-processor operator.
Scott Karlin
- Pointers to functions
Asim Jalis
- C, C++ tutorial program
Hassan Saleh
- DLL, Borland C++, MS-Windows
Michael Hoennig
- Some optimization results
Ozan Yigit
- towards a faster isdigit()
Donald Sparkman
- sorting doubly linked list
Doug Gwyn
- Array initialization question
Doug Gwyn
- Array initialization question
Chris Torek
- defining arrays as types
Bill Mayne
- Variable number of arguments
Stephen Clamage
- Some optimization results
Dik T. Winter
- Pointers to functions
Dave Schaumann
- Some optimization results
Dan Bernstein
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
david at ap542.uucp
- sorting doubly linked list
Richard A. O'Keefe
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Wolfram Roesler
- Needed: C or BASIC (ick!) code to do big text on PC screen
Michael 'Moose' Dinn
- EDI Standards
Paula Ditallo
- Question on ANSI ## pre-processor operator.
Stephen Vinoski
- Question on ANSI ## pre-processor operator.
Stephen Clamage
- Pointers to functions
Stephen Clamage
- sorting doubly linked list
Boyd Roberts
- C language book recommendations
Wild Rider
- Variable number of arguments
David Wolverton
- programming links
D. Carpenter
- Gnu C for Macintosh?
Marc LoCascio
- Shuffle generation
Joe Huffman
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Ray Dunn
- NULL and 0
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Mike Wulkan
- Question on ANSI ## pre-processor operator.
Stephen Vinoski
- Borland C products and MS Fortran
Jeff Sicherman
- Calling LISP from C (QUERY)
Bill Poitras
- Simple ptr passing question
Doug Gwyn
- Pointers to functions
Doug Gwyn
- Array initialization question
Doug Gwyn
- pointer sizes
Doug Gwyn
- theorem proving program
Siva Chelliah/50000
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Andy Newman
- Shuffle generation
Joe Keane
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Mouse & Joystick
Brad Pendleton
- WANTED: English dictionary
Amiran Eliashvili
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Richard Harter
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
jeh at cmkrnl.uucp
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
P E Smee
- Shuffle generation
Dik T. Winter
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
P E Smee
- Shuffle generation
Richard Tobin
- NULL and 0
Craig Burley
- C bug in SCO Unix/ODT 1.0?
Clay Jackson
- Shuffle generation
Rajeev Raman
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Richard Caley
- varargs -> varargs mystery
Ray Dunn
- Need Text Book
Mayur Patel
- re-sizing a 2-dim array
Brendan Kehoe
- debugging run-time Unix C programs
Garrett Wollman
- Borland C products and MS Fortran
Bill Wilson
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Rahul Dhesi
- re-sizing a 2-dim array
Brian Scearce
- Summary of C Compilers from INFOWORLD
Stephen B Coy
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Charles Packer
- fseek() help
Gary Thurman
- C Contest: previous contest winners?
antonio.rodrigues at
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Henry Spencer
- mks glob in Turbo C
cnrdean at
- varargs -> varargs mystery
Doug Gwyn
- Pointers to functions
Greg Comeau
- string lib.
ury segal
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- C<->FORTRAN made easy.
burkhard burow
- Wanted: quadword arithmetic package in C
Gertjan van Oosten
- Shuffle generation
Jim Roth
- Array initialization question
Robert Carey
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Jerry Gitomer
- Pointers to functions
Dr. T. Andrews
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Bruce Oneel
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Charles Packer
- oops... (was Re: Pointers to functions)
Walter Murray
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Tony Buckland
- C Matrix Inversion
Claus Brod
- C matrix routines
Frank Caggiano
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Pyung-Chul Kim
- C to ADA translator
Mike Tankenson
- const and volatile
David Howard
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Mark Brader
- Need Text Book
Mitch Wright
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Richard Harter
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Blair P. Houghton
- Using sizeof() on a parameter array
Jim Seidman
- Software Requirements Specifications Wanted
Sooyong Park
- C compiler for Apples
Jim Spencer
- basic question
Jim Spencer
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Alex Martelli
- PL/I to C Translators?
Robert Burgin
- Automatically translating programs to other languages
Orville R. Weyrich
- Bug that'll blow your mind
Stanislaus Pietrucha
- Using sizeof() on a parameter array
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Using sizeof() on a parameter array
mr k.l. lentin
- the draw & Turbo C
John R. Zielke
- Bug that'l blow your mind (Part 2)
Stanislaus Pietrucha
- Using sizeof() on a parameter array
Robert Earl
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Bret Indrelee
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Bret Indrelee
- Bug that'll blow your mind solution!?!?
Stanislaus Pietrucha
- Pointers to functions
Kai Henningsen
- QC Compilers
Jeff Sicherman
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Doug Gwyn
- Using sizeof() on a parameter array
Doug Gwyn
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Richard A. O'Keefe
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Shankar Unni
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Zhou Mi
- Calling LISP from C (QUERY)
Bill Poitras
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
P E Smee
- Re my request for help with dynamic lists
Russell Smithers
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Charles Packer
- Using sizeof() on a parameter array
Dale Worley
- Variable number of arguments
Dave Corcoran
- result of strstr(cs,ct) when ct is a null string
Todd Karakashian
- A source to source Instrumenter
Sanjay Sharma
- UUCP style date/time parsing routines?
Rahul Dhesi
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Kasey S. Osborn
- result of strstr(cs,ct) when ct is a null string
Todd Karakashian
- pointer sizes, was: Re: What does char **ch mean?
Michael Meissner
- Implicit decimal points in floating-point reads
Lee E. Brotzman
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Kaleb Keithley
- help me with strings
Spmg*d, Lord of Potted Meat Product
- result of strstr(cs,ct) when ct is a null string
Erik Naggum
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Jerry Berkman;217E;24804;;ZA78
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Mike Gorodnitzky
- help me with strings
Richard A. O'Keefe
- result of strstr(cs,ct) when ct is a null string
Doug Gwyn
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Steve Emmerson
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Doug Gwyn
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Doug Gwyn
- More on that C bug...
Stanislaus Pietrucha
- public domain C interpreter
Mike Papper
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Harry Protoolis
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Clive Feather
- C compiler test?
Douglas Ray
- Arrays.
Kith Kanan
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Martin Weitzel
- Implicit decimal points in floating-point reads
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Novice C
Russell Smithers
- offsetof()
- C language book recommendations
rpjday at
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Charles Packer
- Microsoft C++
Christoph Grunwald
- finding offset of a member in C structures
David Brooks
- finding offset of a member ...
Dale Worley
- const and volatile
Dale Worley
- finding offset of a member ...
Stephen Clamage
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Geoffrey Rogers
- Bug Solution...
Stanislaus Pietrucha
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Ray Dunn
- Memor fault, Core dump
Nesha Nicole Jones
- main return value
Roy Johnson
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
bxpfac at
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Mike Percy
- Summary of C Compilers from INFOWORLD
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
- <4203 at>
don at trsvax.UUCP
- Implicit decimal points in floating-point reads
Brian Fennell
- Arrays.
John Gordon
- Memor fault, Core dump
John Gordon
- Pointers to functions
Dale Worley
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
L. Hirschbiegel
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Mark Fresolone
- Next missing needed System V curses functions. Are there substitutes?
Ray Shwake
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Doug Gwyn
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Doug Gwyn
- Implicit decimal points in floating-point reads
Doug Gwyn
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Doug Gwyn
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Checkpoint Technologies
- Implicit decimal points in floating-point reads
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Implicit decimal points in floating-point reads
Jon J Thaler
- public domain C interpreter
Arto V. Viitanen
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Jeff Turner
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Tim Wright
- Need help writing startup code for slave processor board
Graham Wheeler
- What does ANSI C say about short circuit evaluation?
Graham Wheeler
- public domain C interpreter
Robert Noel STURROCK
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Erik Naggum
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
David Fiander
- flood fill code
David W. Hertweck
- How to allocate an array of objects ?
Qing Zheng
- finding offset of a member in C structures
David Brooks
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Chris Lewis
- Common LISP to C
Aric Zion
- looking for interpreter / macro language facility
Arthur J. Butler
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Ed Gould
- const and volatile
Stephen Clamage
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Christopher R Volpe
- C language book recommendations
Stephen Clamage
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Mike Percy
Paula Ditallo
- Using sizeof() on a parameter array
Chris Torek
- looking for interpreter / macro language facility
Darren New
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Chris Torek
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Jim Sullivan
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Tim Roberts
- Calling LISP from C (QUERY)
Barry Margolin
- C shrouding code?
- Calling C from FORTRAN under Unix
Rob Gabbard
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Sean Eric Fagan
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Conor P. Cahill
- C Compiler Test Suite
Paul Cohen
- gcc -Wall fails to catch wrong use of calloc
Ajay Shah
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Henry Spencer
- Simple ptr passing question
Xiang-Min Wang
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Doug Gwyn
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
David Howard
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Raymond L. Toy
- Kbhit function under SCO Unix 3.2 Development
Larry Krone
- fread()
Joe_W_Wright at
- Calling LISP from C (QUERY)
Ted Dunning
- Coherent operating system
Vic Ilag
- n bit architectures and C/C++
Chris Jones
- Reading a keystroke w/o echo
Randy Azarian
- Coherent operating system
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Zhou Mi
- Global and Extern Pointers, Arrays
Asim Jalis
- time(0L) - I'm sorry, I can't resist
Scott Evernden
- Arrays.
Eize Oosting
- time(0L) - I'm sorry, I can't resist
Barry Margolin
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Blair P. Houghton
- Complex Matrix Diagonalisation Routines
Erik Schumacher
- Coherent operating system
Patrick J Draper
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Boyd Roberts
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Conor O'Neill
- Casting Function Pointers
Martin Weitzel
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Ian Collier
- time(0L) - I'm sorry, I can't resist
Paul Tomblin
- gcc -Wall fails to catch wrong use of calloc
Richard Tobin
- n bit architectures and C/C++
Dale Worley
- finding offset of a member in C structures
David Brooks
- looking for interpreter / macro language facility
Peter Holzer
- looking for interpreter / macro language facility
Mark Harrison
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Stephen Clamage
- C Compiler Test Suite
Henry Spencer
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Brian Matthews
- What does ANSI C say about short circuit evaluation?
Robert Earl
- Global and Extern Pointers, Arrays
Henry Spencer
- What does ANSI C say about short circuit evaluation?
Henry Spencer
Paula Ditallo
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Richard Caley
- Can gdb continue until variable is modified
Tore Morkemo
- Reading a keystroke w/o echo
Juha Nurmela
- Summary of C Compilers from INFOWORLD
Stephen B Coy
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Jim Balter
- Global and Extern Pointers, Arrays
Doug Gwyn
- looking for interpreter / macro language facility
Ken Dickey
- time(0L) - I'm sorry, I can't resist
Doug Gwyn
- Reading a keystroke w/o echo
Doug Gwyn
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Doug Gwyn
- Global and Extern Pointers, Arrays
John Gordon
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
L. Hirschbiegel
- exploding software
cnrdean at
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Jim Balter
- Global and Extern Pointers, Arrays
Rahul Dhesi
- How should the lint directive /*VARARGSn*/ work?
Martin Weitzel
- Kbhit function under SCO Unix 3.2 Development
Joe Huffman
- Turbo C Floating Point bug?
Dwayne Bailey
- toggle graphics on PC
Chuck Bass
- Time Info
Christopher Molnar
- GIF Encoder/Decoder Source
David Tymon
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Conor P. Cahill
- Implicit decimal points in floating-point reads
Lee E. Brotzman
- IGNORE THAT HELP WANTED SIGN! - How do we know what is appropriate?
Clark Rensberry
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- looking for interpreter / macro language facility
Alex Martelli
- Windows *.RLE files and the startup screen
David Shapiro
- Seeking contacts for Japanese/English localization
Michael Yokoyama
- C compiler testers: responses
Douglas Ray
- Need Assembly lang. to learn C?
der Mouse
- how do I declare a constant as a variable of different type
der Mouse
- exploding software
Robert Earl
- time(0L) - I'm sorry, I can't resist
John Allen on wsl
- My cockup on Novice C
Russell Smithers
- exploding software
Paul Tomblin
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
bxpfac at
- Short circuit evaluation (summary)
Graham Wheeler
Sujat M Sukthankar
Sujat M Sukthankar
- Complex Matrix Diagonalisation Routines
Burkhard Kirste
- scanf
Bruce Momjian
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Len Reed
- returning automatic variables
Nesha Nicole Jones
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Larry Jones
Sujat M Sukthankar
- 64 bit architectures and C/C++
Henry Spencer
- returning automatic variables
Henry Spencer
Sujat M Sukthankar
Sujat M Sukthankar
Sujat M Sukthankar
- Reading a keystroke w/o echo
Jim Giles
- C language book recommendations
rpjday at
- Kbhit function under SCO Unix 3.2 Development
Ronald S H Khoo
- time(0L)
Walter Bright
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
L. Hirschbiegel
- Global and Extern Pointers, Arrays
Doug Gwyn
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Doug Gwyn
- Implicit decimal points in floating-point reads
Doug Gwyn
- Implicit decimal points in floating-point reads
Doug Gwyn
- returning automatic variables
Doug Gwyn
- C source analyzer
Michael D Shapiro
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Doug Gwyn
Sujat M Sukthankar
Sujat M Sukthankar
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Sean Eric Fagan
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Steve Summit
- returning automatic variables
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Doug Gwyn
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Doug Gwyn
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Douglas M Jaffe
- Summary: Restructuring and Reverse Engineering.
Orville R. Weyrich
- Using sizeof() on a parameter array
der Mouse
- What does ANSI C say about short circuit evaluation?
der Mouse
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
der Mouse
- Reading a keystroke w/o echo
der Mouse
- Time Info
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- Array Problems
John Duchowski
- looking for a 64bit math library
Josh N. Pritikin
- time(0L): the final chapter (was Re: time(0L)... - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Roger Cornelius
- Float problems
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Henry Spencer
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
Blair P. Houghton
- Float problems
Matthew Paul Rhoten
- What does ANSI C say about short circuit evaluation?
David E. O'Brien
- Time Info
Lars Wirzenius
- exploding software
Erik Naggum
- Time Info
Christopher Neufeld
- COMM. routines of MS QUICK C.
asm at
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
Stephen Clamage
- Need Assembly lang. to learn C?
Stephen Clamage
- K & R C book for sale - $20
Xinjun Hou
Brian N. Popkin
- "Embedded Prolog" in C code
Nirad Sharma
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
Doug Gwyn
- IGNORE THAT HELP WANTED SIGN! - How do we know what is appropriate?
Doug Gwyn
- Global and Extern Pointers, Arrays
Wayne Throop
- Wanted...
Scott Bremner
- "Embedded Prolog" in C code
fore057 at
- Array Problems
Richard A. O'Keefe
- "Embedded Prolog" in C code
O Morgan
- Short circuit evaluation/expression rearrangement (2nd summary)
Graham Wheeler
Karl Ihrig
- C-Refine preprocessor available
Lutz Prechelt
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
David Fiander
- Reading a keystroke w/o echo
- "Embedded Prolog" in C code
Ted Dunning
- THINK C/C++ Book wanted
Michael McDaniel
- enum style
Bill Shirley
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
Blair P. Houghton
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
Blair P. Houghton
- enum style
- I need help with this structure loop(?)
The Chuckmeister
- "void **" : Is it valid and what does it mean?
Asim Jalis
- Reading a keystroke w/o echo
David Brooks
- Turbo C and Clipper .OBJ files
Clark Rensberry
- Reading a keystroke w/o echo
Tooraj Enayati
- What's HCR-PCO?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- "void **" : Is it valid and what does it mean?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Short circuit evaluation/expression rearrangement (2nd summary)
Doug Gwyn
- "void **" : Is it valid and what does it mean?
Peter Holzer
- exploding software
Richard Tobin
- looking for interpreter / macro language facility
Guido van Rossum
- Need math library
Anthony Thomas Green
Henry Spencer
- What's HCR-PCO?
Henry Spencer
- Finding/changing max memory size available
Richard Steinberger
- MSC/Codeview Question...
Nancy Khawand
- "Embedded Prolog" in C code
Duncan Campbell
- THINK C/C++ Book wanted
John "Jack" Repenning
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Len Reed
- Better way to generate a mask?
Francois Pinard
- Memor fault, Core dump
Frank B. Mostek
- to "OR" or not to "OR"
- Need recomendation on C (graphics) book
Waihon A Kwong
- Reading a keystroke w/o echo
Stanley Friesen
- shared storage for string literals?
Steve Vegdahl
- Need a Pascal to C converter
Bryn R. Dole
Wild Rider
- to "OR" or not to "OR"
Kevin Grover
- What does lint do?
Cameron Laird
- to "OR" or not to "OR"
Jim Giles
- to "OR" or not to "OR"
Brian Bliss
- to "OR" or not to "OR"
Rache McGregor
- I need help with this structure loop(?)
Bob Beaulieu
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Sean Eric Fagan
- stdlib.h
Chad Okumura
- printf("%g\n", .000010);
Michael D Mellinger
Blair P. Houghton
- finding offset of a member in C structures
Sean Eric Fagan
- Correct or Not or Old-fashioned or Bug
Christopher R Volpe
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
Christopher R Volpe
- C-Refine preprocessor really available (?)
Lutz Prechelt
- "void **" : Is it valid and what does it mean?
Doug Gwyn
- shared storage for string literals?
Doug Gwyn
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Doug Gwyn
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Doug Gwyn
- Question about Lex
Ger Timmens
- to "OR" or not to "OR"
Richard Flamsholt S0rensen
- "void **" : Is it valid and what does it mean?
Georg Wittig
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
Edward Hinton
- pointer size (Was: Re: "void **" : Is it valid and what does it mean?)
Joseph G. Toth Jr.
- Question about assertion macro
Gregory Larkin
sorrow at
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
Steve Summit
- Calling IMSL routines (FORTRAN) from C
Dan Koft
- IBM PC keyboard handling (Was: to "OR" or not to "OR")
Dale Worley
- C compiler for Apples
Kathy Daly
- Are all structure pointers grey in the dark?
Mike Schilling
- shared storage for string literals?
Henry Spencer
- trigraphs
Henry Spencer
- exploding software
Shane Bouslough
- fread()
Joseph Nave
- Calling IMSL routines (FORTRAN) from C
Gary L. Randolph
- WANTED: Obfuscated C/MAZE
Hopelessly in love w/Donna Reed
- What does lint do?
Tim McDaniel
- "Embedded Prolog" in C code
Ted Dunning
- TurboC directory functions and disk partitions.
duggan at
- Calling IMSL routines (FORTRAN) from C
Keith Bierman fpgroup
- complex data manipulation
- C library's
- time(0L) - history of a misconception
Sean Eric Fagan
- shared storage for string literals?
Sean Eric Fagan
- `Display *display;' and such
Greg Weeks
- to "OR" or not to "OR"
Eric B. Hymowitz
- Declaring externally-defined structures
Kirk Bertsche
- `Display *display;' and such
Greg Weeks
- Validation suite for STDC
Tin Le
- Declaring externally-defined structures
John Gordon
- pointer size (Was: Re: "void **" : Is it valid and what does it mean?)
Chris Torek
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
Doug Gwyn
- pointer size
Doug Gwyn
- pointer size
Doug Gwyn
- to "OR" or not to "OR"
Richard A. O'Keefe
- pointer size (Was: Re: "void **" : Is it valid and what does it mean?)
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Question about Lex
Simon Parsons
- THINK C/C++ Book wanted
- Finding/changing max memory size available
der Mouse
- Float problems
der Mouse
- How to write Trigraph like character sequences in a string (was:Re: to "OR" or not to "OR")
Martin Weitzel
- C language book recommendations
Stephen Vinoski
- pointer size
sjs at
- Short circuit evaluation/expression rearrangement (2nd summary)
Alan P Barrett
- your second C book (was: Re: C language book recommendations)
Ken Seefried iii
- NaN's (was Re: FLOATING NULL?)
Geoff Clare
- Finding/changing max memory size available
Stephen Clamage
- input to a function
Nesha Nicole Jones
- Global and Extern Pointers, Arrays
Xiang-Min Wang
- Avoiding FAQ, goodbye Doug, whither Karl?
Leonard Cuff
- Wanted: an arithmetic package for large integers
Sanjiva Prasad
- Needed: a public domain regular expression interpreter
Ed Nilges
Chad Okumura
The Bill Man
- IBM PC keyboard handling (Was: to "OR" or not to "OR")
Walter Murray
- let me extend on this. [Re: looking for interpreter ...]
Ozan Yigit
- Need Assembly lang. to learn C?
Dave Gillett
- pointer size
Tapani Tarvainen
- fflush()? fscanf() fgets() problem.
Mike Whitbeck
- pointer size (Was: Re: "void **" : Is it valid and what does it mean?)
zlsiial at
- Turbo C and Clipper .OBJ files
Frank van der Hulst
- Question about Lex
Ger Timmens
- Can pre-ANSI C Preprocessor handle symbolic constants in strings?
Brumley David M
- Question about Lex
Martin Weitzel
- fflush()? fscanf() fgets() problem.
Chris Torek
- Comments on CASE tools and integrated development packages?
John O'Beck
Last message date:
Fri May 31 23:18:19 AEST 1991
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:33:13 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).