Doubles & How to make them even larger..

Mike Erwin I mikee at
Fri May 10 16:59:22 AEST 1991

     Recently I have been working on a program which deals with very large
and very small floating point numbers.  Unfortunately my personal computer
as well as the UNIX machine that I have an account on both are unable to
meet my required precision.

     I was wondering if there is any way that I can program my own "floats"
and "doubles" and make them 30 or 40 bytes long (I was exaggerating a bit).
I rememeber that there was a conversation dealing with such a thing about a
year ago on the net, but I failed to pay attention to it then.

     If you would like to respond, please send me mail,

     Thanks! (In advance).

> mikee at
> "Dyslexics Untie!!"

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