Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm?

Dave Johnson D.M.Johnson at newcastle.ac.uk
Fri May 3 21:41:41 AEST 1991

TAINT021 at ysub.ysu.edu (David M. Onder) writes:

>I am looking for an implementation of the Quinn-McClaskey Algorithm for
>minimizing a logical function.  I need this as soon as possible so if
>anyone has information or the source, please e-mail me!  Thank you.....

I would like this as well, e-mail address below

| David M. Johnson                    | If the radiance of a thousand suns    |
| c/o Electrical and Electronic Eng.  |   were to burst at once in the sky,   |
|     Merz Court                      | That would be like the splendor       |
|     Newcastle University            |   of the Mighty One...                |
|     Newcastle upon Tyne             | I am become Death                     |
|     NE1 7RU                         |   The destroyer of worlds.            |
+-------------------------------------+                                       |
|Janet : D.M.Johnson at uk.ac.newcastle  |                                       |
|ARPA  : D.M.Johnson at newcastle.ac.uk  |                The Mahbharata.        |
|UUCP  : ...ukc!newcastle!D.M.Johnson |                                       |

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