finding offset of a member ...

Stephen Clamage steve at
Wed May 22 00:55:22 AEST 1991

pckim at unisql.UUCP (Pyung-Chul Kim) writes:

|But, I found that our compiler (in SunOS 4.1) evaluate the expression
|in compile time by trying to 'cc -S test.c' (the test.s contains
|numeric literal for the expression).
|Then, my question is why the compiler does not accept the following
|	char	a_array[offsetof(type,member)];
|Is it specific to our compiler?

ANSI requires that the 'offsetof' macro expand to an integral constant
expression of type 'size_t'.  Such an expression is certainly allowed
to specifiy the size of an array.  The standard Sun compilers are not
ANSI-conformant, and this appears to be yet another place where they
fail to conform.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve at

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