Simple ptr passing question

Richard Steinberger ric at
Tue May 14 09:56:05 AEST 1991

	I am a bit rusty with C.  Could someone help me with this simple
pointer passing problem.  I wanted to pass a ptr to a function and
have the function allocate some space and pass back the address in the ptr.
Here's what I tried:

#include <stdio.h>
  extern void zip();
  int *ip;


  printf("*ip is %d\n",*ip);

void zip (iptr)
int *iptr;
  int * jptr;
  jptr = (int *) malloc(sizeof (int) );
  *jptr = 12;
  iptr = jptr;

	I know I could have passed back the pointer in a return statement,
I wanted to get this done correctly for now.  In the main program,
ip is <nil> on return, instead of pointing to jptr as I had hoped.

	Can someone explain what I should have done to get the desired
effect?  Thanks in advance for replies and suggestions.


	ric steinberger
	ric at

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